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  • Looking forward to hearing it the finished product.  What is the best way to integrate with Sibelius?

  • There's no ooohs in the standard library???? Thats like bringing out a string library and having no violins. 99% of the time people will just want ooohs and aaahs. I probably would have bought the standard library if it had the most commonly used articulations, but I'm definitely not paying Ā£750 just to get some ooohs and aaahs.


  • I can see this :

  • Vowels ā€œAā€ (aah) and ā€œUā€ (ooh) as staccatos, sustains and Legato Performances, at 4 dynamic levels
  • Maybe, you read too fast ? [:P]

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    @SyQuEsT said:

    I can see this :

  • Vowels ā€œAā€ (aah) and ā€œUā€ (ooh) as staccatos, sustains and Legato Performances, at 4 dynamic levels
  • Maybe, you read too fast ?

    I think Temasterson was making the point that to get the oohs as well as the ahs the extended library at a UK cost of Ā£750 was required.

    Which is what the product page appears to indicate.


  • I just registered my Standard Library and can't find the link to register the extended library for free (I'm a Cube owner).

    Will the code be emailed to me?

  • Scratch that question; I found it. You have to "buy" the extended library, then it shows a discount of $615.

  • Just a quick question, as I won't be able to install my copy until I get a new computer or hard drive (I'm too close to the edge right now):

    Is the download-only Soprano Choir fully contained in this full Choir edition, or were those different sample sessions and/or a different articulation set?

    I'm just trying to priotizie the order I handle projects in, as I love the dl-only library and bought the full standard+extended Choir Library last week, but don't want to waste time tracking stuff with the dl-only Soprano library now if I'm going to find that the sopranos in the full Choir edition sound a lot different (in which case I'll need to allocate time to compare more patches first).

    I think this question might help others who are dithering last-minute on whether to splurge for the full Choir edition as well (not my project prioritization issues, but details about the carryover/overlap/etc, of the dl-only Soprano library with the new full Choir DVD box).

  • I did an A/B of the free soprano choir against the retail soprano choir today (I bought the Vienna Choir last month), and from what I can tell, they are two completely separate samples/sessions.

    In fact, the original downloadable soprano choir is FAR superior to the Vienna Choir, IMO. When I bought the Vienna Choir, I was hoping that the rest of the sections (alto, tenor, bass) were going to be as good as the download version. Alas, I was not too happy with the production values in the retail version.

    Specifically: the download version has much more "gliss" between the notes than the retail version. Unless I'm missing something, the retail version just doesn't sound as authentic as the download version. (The retail perf-legatos and perf-legato glisses don't even come close to the perf-legatos of the download.)

  •  Interesting, I'm finding that that the perf-legato on the retail version is smoother than the download version. In a project I did recently using the download choir, on each legato note the volume seem to "lurch" slightly on the change. Horses for courses I imagine. I haven't tried combining the two yet.

  •  HM are you guys saying the Dload sopranos are not a part of the dvd version?

    Thats odd..since there is a discount? I like and use the dload version alot...and was kinda hoping that the rest of the sections were as good or even better.

    Could somone post a few short examples of a simple and plain legato phrase ,perhaps?

    I cant really tell whats what from the perticular the Males would be interesing to hear in more detail.

  • Any more feedback on the choir would be very much appreciated ... especially with the special offer deadline looming.

    Many thanks


  •  I'll register my copy tomorrow and do some tests too. I'm pretty sure VSL team are looking at your critics. Maybe it's not perfect right now but we should see something near in a future ! :)

    Have a nice day !

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    @Another User said:

    Any more feedback on the choir would be very much appreciated ... especially with the special offer deadline looming.


    I've produced some demos:

    • 1. Male-Voice-Section
    • 2. Download Choir < > Vienna Choir

    Please see here


    Beat Kaufmann

    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
  •  Aaah yes, thank you :)