Thanks so much for the response. I did indeed figure out that only my 64-bit AUs will open up in the 64-bit VE Pro. All my others appear in the 32-bit bit version, thanks!
The bigger mystery is how to access different channels of a single AU instance within VE Pro, and beyond that, multiple multi-timbral AUs in one instance of VE Pro. By the way, I'm not using VE Pro on a separate server Mac, it's on the same machine as my sequencer. The loaded AUs do indeed appear as MIDI destinations in DP 7.24, but I can't seem to get them to trigger, as loaded into VE Pro. Trilian is responding, no matter which DP MIDI track I arm.
Hardware audio outs are a separate issue, I think I've got that covered. It's the MIDI end of things I'm trying to figure out. Ideally, I'd like to access up to 8 parts in PLAY (Hollywood Strings/Brass/Beatles, etc...), one Trilian part, maybe a part or two of Omnisphere, 8 parts of Stylus RMX. Is there a limit to what one VE Pro can handle, MIDI-wise? You mentioned that I should open up other AUs in a new instance of VE Pro? Seems counter-intuitive; I thought VE Pro was designed to handle, and mix, lots of multi-timbral AUs within one instance.
One other question: apparently the 64-bit VE Pro allows access to all available machine RAM, correct? No 4-gig limit? Does the 32-bit VE Pro allow access to 4-gig of RAM, the normal Mac OSX limit? Even so, this is a step forward for me, as I've been trapped inside DP's 4-gig limit, with all my AUs and audio tracks!!!
Thanks so much, looking forward to VE Pro's full -feature set!
Greg in Houston TX USA
edit--by the way, I don't see a "multi" setting in the MIDI channel options, only OMNI, then 1-16.... ??