Hello, sorry to post this here but I just couldn't find the information I was looking for. My question is I have VSL Special Edition, I don't have the extended Library just the standard Library, can I order and install the Special Edition Plus or do I have to purchase the VSL Special Edition extended Library first and then purchase the Special Edition Plus? I ask this because I'd like to have access to the advanced articulations in Special Edition Plus without necessarily upgrading to the extended Library first. I hope this makes sense thank you all!
Question on VSL Special Edition standard Library and Special Edition PLUS
I don't think the SE extended is required for the SE Plus to work since you can buy both products bundled together. Look here http://vsl.co.at/en/211/261/314/1607/1279.htm
I didn't read through it all but maybe it will answer your question.
Hi M104,
the Special Edition consists of a Standard Library and an Extended Library.
So does the Special Editon PLUS.
So the Special Edition PLUS Standard Library will give you more articulations for the instruments contained in the Special Edition Standard Library, and that combination totally makes sense!
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support