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  • VE Pro and IP addresses on slaves

    I was wondering if anyone might be able to shed some light for me regarding if you need to set your VE Pro slave computers to a static IP address. When I save a Cubase 5.1 file on my MacPro with VE Pro connections to my MacMini slaves enabled, shut down all computers (for the evening), and then start up the next morning, if the IP addresses on the slaves have been reassigned via DHCP the Cubase file will not open/crashes. I assume this is happening becasue the VE Pro in Cubase is looking for the slaves via their IP addresses.

    Is there a way to have VE Pro look for the slaves by computer name instead, or some other solution? The main reason I'm asking is because I work with a colleague who has the exact same rig as I do, and we send Cubase files back and forth all the time. It would make it much easier if VE Pro could search/connect by computer name (or some other method) instead of IP address because our routers are from different manufacturers, so even if we assign static IP addresses we would still have problems connecting since the routers use different address ranges. (I've figured that one answer would be to buy the same routers as well, but since everything is working network-wise for both of us it would be nice not to have to do so).

    Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

  • Good suggestion. Noted for investigation.

  • Hello,

    As an intermediate solution, one can change a router setup. Some routers have a setting to preserve IP addresses of computers. I.e., report the same IP addresses for the same computers, or extend DHCP lease to a longer time.



  • ....or just give each computer its own ip without dhcp on.

  • Thought I'd update this in case anyone else is wondering...

    After a bit of IP research and trial and error, I learned that within your own system you can set your slaves to static IP addresses and all of your VE Pro connections will be succesfully made when you re-open a file.

    If you have a similar situation to mine, where you have a colleague with whom you are trying to share files (both have the same systems), you need to set the slaves to the same static IP addresses in both of your studios; otherwise you need to disconnect the VE Pro servers in your sequencer before saving and sharing the file to prevent your system from hanging up when you try to reload it. In our case, we have different routers, which by default use different "network parts" (the first two numbers, eg 10.0.x.x or 192.168.x.x) in the addresses. The "network parts" need to be the same; if not, the computers won't see each other.

    It turns out that we both have cable internet access through Comcast, and after checking I discovered that our cable modems use the same "network parts", so the solution for us was to bypass our "in between" routers (mine is an Apple Airport, his is a Netgear) and run our music computers directly from the Comcast modems. In that way, we could assign the same static IP addresses to our slaves, making it so that we can now save Cubase files with the VE Pro connections enabled and open them up at either of our studios without problem.

    I think it still might be nice if VE Pro could locate slaves via computer name as well as IP address, but this alternative does work.

    BTW, I think VE Pro is an amazing achievement - thanks VSL!


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    @mellowD said:

    Thought I'd update this in case anyone else is wondering...

    After a bit of IP research and trial and error, I learned that within your own system you can set your slaves to static IP addresses and all of your VE Pro connections will be succesfully made when you re-open a file.

    I am also trying to understand what happens when you reboot your master computer and leave the slaves on. I also have an Office Computer and a Laptop which often "leaves" the network. I can find that IPs get changed if the none studio computers get rebooted. Rebooting of the master has caused similar confusion to that mentioned in this thread leaving Instances which are not really connected being classed as connected and the preserved instance on slaves not showing up as existing items in  the master's server interface.  I need to get to grips with understanding the best approach to this. But of course the plan is to leave the studio master and slaves on all the time. I do allow some slaves to sleep if they are inactive for several hours but then kick start them with "WakeOnLan". This is important before you start LOGIC as if it can't find a sleeping slave it sits there for ages trying to load. Can I safely fix my whole network to have static IPs? If you set the numbers high enough will it avoid confusion if other computers join the network on temporary basis? 


  • Just to clarify I note that the IP address of the Master is now whereas in the Server on Mini 3 there is a instance classed as  that is also connected but it really isn't.

    Here is a list of IP addresses quoted by WakeOnLan.





    Airport,,Brantwood FM,,

    Mac,,MacBook Pro,,

    Mac,,Mini Three,,

    Mac,,Mini Three,,

    Mac,,Mini4 Brass,,

    Mac,,Mini4 Brass,,

    Mac,,Mini5 Woodwind,,

    Mac,,Mini5 Woodwind,,


    Mac,,Office Machine,,



    Mac,,Stuart Warren’s Mac Pro,,

    Notice the multiple entries as it doesn't forget previous addresses until you rescan:



    Airport,,Brantwood FM,,

    Mac,,MacBook Pro,,

    Mac,,Mini Three,,

    Mac,,Mini4 Brass,

    Mac,,Mini5 Woodwind,


    Mac,,Office Machine,,


    Mac,,Stuart Warren’s Mac Pro,,

    Thus the occasional need to reset the instances. Sometimes you will get an  instance load with all the correct Instrument names for another computer but of course it hasn't got the licence or samples available on that machine. Eg tonight after my Master reboot I got the instruments for Woodwind appear on the Mac Pro whereas they are really on MINI 5. You can see from the Top List above that at one stage MINI 5 was but that number  is now allocated to the Mac Pro. 