BFD2 has been a nightmare in VE Pro. To use it entails having to quit before and after and restart the computer, or else the other instances using other plugins either: crash at a certain point while loading with the project they are preserved with, or BFD2 will fail to load the full BFD2 preset I have saved no matter what. VE Pro does not recall that preset in the VEP project and it has to be loaded manually each time. With a restart both ways loading is possible but awkward. The use of BFD2 in VEP seems to have messed up the whole way instances load with a Cubase project; the project takes more time to load than it did when instances of VEP loaded with the project than it does now, which does not connect with VEP, and then I'm loading the instances. Once everything is up, it's great, but loading/unloading is a PITA.
In any case, I'm using it alone and have decided for now not to bother with it under VE Pro, it just isn't playing nice with VEP or vice versa. Going back and forth to run it in Cubase on the slave machine vs my usual workflow is less of a workaround than this stuff I'm doing now.