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  • What files did you manually delete?

  • Open Terminal then enter this.

    defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES 

    Hold option and right click the finder to 'relaunch'

    Now navigate to: YourDrive > private > var > db > receipts

    In there are install package receipts for eLicenser.  Delete those. (I had the Syncrosoft one still in there too).

    To hide files again change the YES to a NO in the Terminal and relaunch the finder.


  • Hi everybody.  I found a solution--my dongle labeled Vienna Instruments would crash the eLicenser everytime it started up.  When I bought Cubase 5 it came with a dongle labeled Steinberg.  I took out the VI dongle and put in the Steinberg and bingo, everything is fine now.  Reinsert the other dongle after closing the eLicenser.  (sorry if you don't have another dongle this may seem as an irrelevant solution, but it works)

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    @Maya said:

    Found it. This command works fine here in order to remove eLC. Please enter the line to your Terminal and press "Enter":

    sudo rm -f /var/db/receipts/com.syncrosoft.*

    (Omitting the period and asterisk.)

    thanks! able to install the version of sept 2 which worked to activate Epic Orchestra. I was not experiencing crashes, but eLc would hang any time I tried to activate.

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    eLicenser/Steinberg released a new and improved version of eLC today. You´ll find it here.


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    @am_27761 said:

    I wanted to start both 32bit and 64bit Server automatically and then I get a message that no license is found. Starting the 32bit server automatically runs fine. Once I have this message I can't get to run VE PRo until I kill the vsldaemon process manually.

    Same problem here on Windows 7 64Bit. The new version didn't solve it!

  • yes, I have that error on OSX.6.1, no license found, & no syncrosomething file in app support. 32 bit server is fine. first start of 64 bit .app or server, NG: Don't Work.

  • Here too.  If I place both the 32 and 64-bit servers in the start folder of Windows xp64 I get a not license found error, but can start them both sequentially with no probs.


  • well that's two kernels to look at at the same time, on log in right? so it seems a bit much.

    syncrosoft update fixed my issue; I'm not trying to open both versions at log in.

  • I have the same problem with GVI3. I see the license within my elicenser program, but when I load GVI in Cubase it says that it doesn't see the license. I never had that problem with my old Syncrosoft software. This is really frustrating when paying for a program and you have these type of stupid problems cause by a new software that is supposed to be working better than the last one. How can we repair this? Is there any ways?

  • Does anyone know how to easily create some kind of script to start both instances with a short delay? That's how I solved it for the Mac: An automator script starts the 32 bit instance and 4 seconds later the 64 bit instance.I put that script into the autostart, works! 

  • a simple method (but not accepted by some antivirus software) - write a little vbs-script:

    Option Explicit
    Dim objShell
    Set objShell=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    36000 'time in ms
    objShell.Run "C:\Programs\ect ...." 'full path to program as found in the shortcut of the start menu
    Set objShell = Nothing

    save as eg. VEPRO32delay36s.vbs and add a shortcut to the script into the autostart folder


    hth, christian

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Will VSL keep the same licensing method from Steinberg for the coming year?

    The reason for asking is because Korg have announced that they will be changing their software copy protection from the old syncrosoft method (USB key) to a challenge-response system, and an important reason in doing so is that Steinberg apparently will make some changes next year.

    Comments from Korg support make it clear that replacing the licenses of stolen dongles was a very time consuming matter, and coupled with the bad customer support this was reason for Korg to make the move to take back control instead of relying on a third party like Steinberg.

    Personally I have had abysmal experience with Yamaha customer support (which is why I no longer buy Yamaha products anymore), and since Yamaha is the owner of Steinberg (and Steinberg customer support also seems to follow Yamaha's example) Korg feared the worst for the future.

    So, I was wondering about VSL.

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    @Jann said:

    [...] Personally I have had abysmal experience with Yamaha customer support (which is why I no longer buy Yamaha products anymore), and since Yamaha is the owner of Steinberg (and Steinberg customer support also seems to follow Yamaha's example) Korg feared the worst for the future. [...]

    Sidenote: You know that Yamaha owned Korg for several years, and still holds shares?

    -> [URL][/URL]

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Yes, ownED (past tense, early nineties).

    As to the current relationship between Korg and Yamaha I do not know the details, and I don't know how many shares Yamaha still owns (if any).

    Judging from the comments made by Korg customer support concerning the software protection and the management decision to change it back from USB-dongle to challenge-response I can only deduce that it is clear that Yamaha has zero influence in Korg decisions

    But this was not the point of my post.

    My point was the apparently Korg felt it was very necessary to change back from USB-dongle to challenge-response based on experience PLUS the prospect of upcoming changes which will be implemented by Steinberg next year.

    I thought that perhaps, if this was Korg's reaction -which is quite drastic-, VSL might also have second thoughts about the cooperation with Steinberg in matters of software protection?

  • I would hate to have some sort of C/R type of copy protection. The last thing that I need is to have to jump through all those dratted hoops any time i want to use another system or change something in my setup. For example I recently gave a few seminars on film composing, and had to install stuff onto the laptop. Nuendo and VSL was dead easy, and took a matter of minutes. All the C/R stuff was an absolute nightmare, including emails to the developer having to explain why I needed another install.

    Dongle all the way for me.


  • currently i don't see any reason making it necessary to change the licensing process.

    agreeing to DG i can confirm it took me far more time contacting various support teams to de-authorize, re-authorize. re-install or actually even install applications on computers without internet connections at all than solving dongle issues.


    take the key, plug it into another machine, install eLC and VE and go - where and when i want to do so.

    need to re-install or upgrade your operating sytem? no problem at all.

    add a slave computer (maybe we want to call it satellite) to your setup? re-distributing your licenses is a matter of minutes.


    for software / applications there might be reasons for C/R (which i don't see currently remembering my last premiere installation), but for content it would be useless and more than confusing ...



    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Thanks for the reply.

    In addition to Korg, Yellow Tools also have changed their policy with regard to protecting the software and now offers the option of elicenses (C/R) instead of their WIBU dongle. Since I never got the license manager for the WIBU dongle to work properly I can only applaude that decision.

    The way I see it there are pros and cons both both methods.

    One thing which worries me about dongles is that I have the equivalent of thousands of Euros on a little piece of electronica in a plastic capsule which can get lost quite easily. I understand from the comments made by a Korg representative that it can take quite some time to replace a lost/broken dongle with licenses, and when you're in the middle of a project the last thing you need is some administrative procedure paralyzing the workflow.

    There also have been times that I simply forgot to take the dongle with me, leaving me the option of returning home to get the dongle or not use the software for the duration of my stay away from home.

    Given a choice my preference is still for the C/R method.

    But I also understand that from a developer's perspective a dongle may be more attractive since it's harder to crack.

    Since I heard negative rumours about the upcoming changes with regard to the syncrosoft/steinberg dongle I thought that perhaps VSL would know more about it and perhaps as a result also reconsider the current protection method.

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    @Another User said:

    Since I heard negative rumours about the upcoming changes with regard to the syncrosoft/steinberg dongle I thought that perhaps VSL would know more about it and perhaps as a result also reconsider the current protection method.


    These are just rumors. As no new system has been released yet, and therefore hasn't been tested by users, there is no point in having any opinion, negative or positive, on it. However, I do know that Cubendo users have been very vocal with Steinberg about their dongle policies, so like you, I am interested to see what they come up with,.


  • Having serious problems with the new elicenser (currently latest version). When I try to launch VEPro it says it can't find the key when it used to do it just fine. So I moved it and now it recognises it. BUT license scan loops forever and I have to force quit. I'm getting really tired of these problems with this hopeless copy protection. It should just damn well work with the amount of money people are paying for this software.
