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  • VE3 not working

    Hi everyone,

    I've found bits and pieces of this issue in the forums already, but none of the posts have been able to help me so far.  I'll put my situation in bullet points for ease of reading:

    - running a new intel mac 8-core with the latest 10.5.x.  I have it ethernet'd to my dual quad-core G5 running OS 10.4.11. I just downloaded VE3 to be able to take advantage of the old G5 that has 6.5GB of RAM in it. 

    - 1 vienna key on each computer. VE3 and VI's installed on both machines. The slave is not connected to a monitor, so I have Vienna Ensemble Service set to launch at startup on the slave.

    - I ran Directory Manager from the newly-installed Vienna Ensemble on each computer.

    - Firewalls are off on both computers.

    - I launch VE Service on the master (it is already launched on the slave, Logic is NOT open) and for the last 20 minutes I have the little Vienna Ensemble window saying "Scanning content files."  Vienna keys are in the right places so that's not an issue.

    - VE Server on either computer will not recognize the other computer, although looking at the NETWORK pref in the System Preferences shows that the ethernet connection between the 2 computers is active.

    - I tried launching Logic but the VE plugin didn't show up in the AU menu. I went to the AU Manager where I saw "Vienna Ensemble version 2.0.0" was unchecked, so I checked it and clicked "Rescan" to try to get it to validate. There was no AU in the menu saying "version 3.0".  The validation began, and moved along slowly. After about 15 minutes, with just a spinning beach ball, I force-quit Logic while it was still trying to validate the AU.

    - After closing out of Logic I saw an error message on the desktop: "Unable to create Server Object. The Server application might be already running, or the requested network port is not available."

    So I'm stuck -- VE3 isn't connecting to the slave and launching any component of VE3 freezes up the component or Logic or both.

    I've covered all of the bases from the instruction manual... can anyone shed some light?



  • two things come into my mind:

    - did you launch the VE3 service on the slave at least 1 time having a monitor attached? a message shows up asking if *a firewall exception shall be made for this application* which you have to cinfoirm with *yes* for obvious reason.

    - your network ranges (IP adresses) and gateways (labeled router in OS X) are set correctly, both computers reside in the same workgroup? (only one gateway per computer, different NICs need different IP ranges)


    to get the picture please launch network utility on the master, select the TAB telnet and try to contact the slave's IP address on port 6477 (TCP), if that works we have to investigate furter, if not there is a communication problem in your network.

    hth, christian


    ps: on the master computer port 6479 UDP has to be open to allow the slave announcing itself to the master

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Christian, I'll give the network thing a try -- that's probably the problem.  BUT, shouldn't the VE3 installer be putting a plugin into Logic for me?  When I go to the AU manager, the only Vienna Ensemble in the list is a version 2.0.0 .... and when I tried authorizing it, it began a 15-minute auth process and then I just eventually shut it down.


  • it seems that was a good idea to look into AU manager - of course the version should be 3.x ...

    please remove this plugin (from AU manager and physically from yor system) - reboot before to free all related processes.

    then please re-install VE3 and double check AU manager again (possibly manually validate VE3)


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @Another User said:

    to get the picture please launch network utility on the master, select the TAB telnet and try to contact the slave's IP address on port 6477 (TCP), if that works we have to investigate furter, if not there is a communication problem in your network.

     ** I launched Network Utility, but there was no tab called telnet.  I did try pinging the slave and it worked just fine. But when you're talking about port 6477, or opening port 6479 UDP on the master computer, I really have no idea what any of that means or how to do it.  

    I'm running 10.5.7 on the master mac, 10.4.11 on the dual quad-core G5. I've installed everything, launched everything, with monitors attached to both computers while it's all happening, and VE3 isn't seeing its reflection on the other computer.

    Perhaps you could give a more specific step-by-step troubleshooting guide for this network stuff?  I don't have any special network settings, so I'm not sure why my connection should be so difficult.  And the firewall on my Intel mac is set to "allow all incoming connections."


  • Christian,

    It gets worse:  I deleted the 2.0 AU for VE2 and reinstalled VE3, rebooted, etc., but when I launch logic the 2.0.0 Vienna Ensemble is still listed there. When I check the Library>Audio>Components>Plugins folders, there are NO Vienna Ensemble audio units at all.

    So my problem is twofold: the AU for VE3 didn't install, and my 2 macs won't connect through VE3.  Help!


  • ok - maybe a good idea: please make sure your finder's preferences are set to *show file extensions*


    - isn't there a possibility to remove Vienna Ensemble within the AU manager? (sorry, no mac here currently)

    - if still available in /applications/Vienna Ensemble/ run *viennaUninstall*

    - delete Vienna Ensemble receipts (.pkg) from /library/receipts/

    - if existing delete -com.vsl.appPresets.plist from /library/preferences

    - eventually search with finder if any *ensemble* files are around elsewhere and delete them

    - empty trash, reboot

    - re-install the latest Vienna Ensemble 3 software

    - repair permissins

    now we should find VE3 in the AU manager, possibly needing validation.

    i'll cover the network in a separate reply, christian

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hi Christian,

    I did all of that and Logic's AU Manager still shows 2.0.0 for the Vienna Ensemble. HOWEVER, it DID validate successfully -- strange. I don't think there's a way to manually remove an entry from the AU Manager in Logic. 


  • Hi guys,

    If anyone has VE3 running in a Mac-to-Mac setup, and if you had to adjust some numbers on a port setting somewhere, would you mind posting what you did to make it work, including where on the Mac you set ports to certain numbers, and what numbers those were?  With all firewalls down, and a working ethernet connection between my Intel Mac and my G5 (10.4.11) my Network shows the computer present via the ethernet,  but when I launch VEService on the slave, and VE3 on the master, the master doesn't seek&find the slave.  Any input welcome!


  •  hi kerry - have you managed to get the VE3 showing up as expected in AU manager?


    the network (please give us a detailed view of all involved components, connected cables, WLAN, router, ect ...)

    for the beginning i'm assuming both computers have 2 network ports, one computer is connected to the internet and no WLAN (WiFi) is in the game. for clarity maybe scribble the situation for yourself (like MacPro left + right, G5 left + right network port)


    network utility also tells you the used IP addresses for each network port, either if you use zero-config, DHCP or fixed IPs.

    think of your network connection as an external one (for internet) and an internal (connecting VE3).

    probably we have to assign IP addresses manually for your internal network from a range that does not collide with your external network.

    christian (you should have my email in case you don't want to post details here)

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hey Christian -- I'll post here, the info may help someone else too.

    I uninstalled VE entirely (including manual search of any ensemble AU's or components) and re-installed after repairing permissions, rebooting, etc., as you recommended in the previous email. I reinstalled VE3, launched Logic, and Logic's AU Manager still shows version 2.0.0 of VE, although at least it validates this time.  I don't know of any way to flush out or manually remove an AU from the AU Manager, so for now it still shows 2.0.0.

    No WiFi involved:  master is connected to the internet, and the second ethernet port connects to the slave. I have tried the ethernet cable on both ports of the slave, and it shows up in my NETWORK menu either way.

    Network Utility gives me IP addresses for both ethernet ports. I have tried pinging the slave, and it responds/receives. I haven't changed any kind of network settings -- everything is as it was when I set up the new mac. Same with slave: I never changed network settings on it, as the ethernet port to the internet was the only use for ethernet on the now-slave machine.

    So I think the next question is: where do I go, specifically, to assign an IP address (on each computer) and what settings do I need to change to get them to see each other?


  • kerry, for the VE2/VE3 issue i have asked marnix to provede help since he has macs on his desk ...


    solving network issues without knowing IP addresses (and the other settings like router and dns) for each port and the exact cabeling is not possible. a computer showing up in network does say nothing about the route and the protocol the packets are using.


    i need something like this (what should work btw):

    MacPro external, mask:, router, dns: a.b.c.d (we don't care about which dns is used) - cable connected to router

    MacPro internal:, mask, router: none, dns: none - cable connected to G5 internal

    G5 internal:, mask, router: none, dns: none - cable connected to MacPro internal

    G5 external: cable not connected


    in case your MacPro external is using DHCP leave it as it is, just make sure the internal ports don't use the same range as the external port(s) ...

    an allowed classC range for internal network is 192.168.x y where 0 <= x <= 254 and needs to be the same on both *ends of the cable*, and 1 <= y <= 254 and needs to be different an both *ends of the cable*, subnet mask has always to be


    hth, christian

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @KMuzzey said:


    It gets worse:  I deleted the 2.0 AU for VE2 and reinstalled VE3, rebooted, etc., but when I launch logic the 2.0.0 Vienna Ensemble is still listed there. When I check the Library>Audio>Components>Plugins folders, there are NO Vienna Ensemble audio units at all

    So my problem is twofold: the AU for VE3 didn't install, and my 2 macs won't connect through VE3.  Help!


    I think there´s a basic misunderstanding in the communication here. The AU manager in Logic shows the version of the Vienna Ensemble 3 AU plug-in, which is in fact version 2.0.0

    The version number of the Vienna Ensemble Software appears for e.g, in the Vienna Ensemble Service window (it should be "Vienna Ensemble Service v.3.0 build 3670"). You can also select the icon of the Vienna Enseble standalone and press "command+i" to get an information window with this information.

    Besides this it is also possible to de-select (and disable) AU plug in´s in Logic´s AU Manager.


  • Ahhhh, I see -- the AU Manager just shows "Vienna Ensemble   version: 2.0.0."  I understand.

    Christian, I'm going to reply via regular email about the IP numbers, etc.  that you mentioned in that previous post.


  • If any kind soul happens to be passing through the forums and you're able to provide instructions on what I need to set (and where) on my master and slave macs, that would be great.  Christian's information is 2 posts above, but I'm afraid it's all greek to me: I don't know my internal from my external, I just know that I have 2 macs with no apparent conflicts between them, and the master won't recognize the VE3 service on the slave.

    Open to suggestions!


  • How about this...

    If you're in NYC, and you understand how to set up VE3 with one mac connected to another, I will pay you to make VE3 work on my setup. Using Logic Pro here, and I can't get it to work.



  • I can't get VE3 running -- I have a very simple setup, which is a new 8-core Mac connected to my old dual quad-core G5 via ethernet cable, but I don't understand all this network lingo about how to make VE3 work.  So far I'm batting zero.

    I need to hire someone to come over and set it up for me. I'm in Manhattan, UWS.



  • Hi Kerry,


    I just duplicated your setup here and sent you an email with detailed step by step instructions along with screenshots.

    Please give it another try and let us know wether you succeeded!


    Best, Marnix

  • Hi Kerry,


    I just duplicated your setup here and sent you an email with detailed step by step instructions along with screenshots.

    Please give it another try and let us know wether you succeeded!


    Best, Marnix

  • FIXED!!!   It was a question of network settings, which are completely arcane to me, but Christian and Marnix had a straightforward how-to guide that got me up and running in just a few minutes.
