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  • I'm not sure I understand the problem but I will try to help. I'm not a Cubase user but I do use VE3 across the network so hopefully that will be enough to get us by. From the beginning;

    1. Create an instance of VE3 in your instrument channel strip or whatever it's called in Cubase.

    2. A small box will pop up asking you to connect to your slave - do so.

    3. Look at the screen of your slave machine and you should see the VE window. Load it up with whatever you want then minimise it.

    4. Repeat steps 1-3 with another instance of VE3, inserted in a different instrument channel strip.

    Please let me know which of these points you are stuck on.



  • Hello mosso,

    Thanks for the answer.  

    Using Cubase, this is the sequence I was taught to follow by the computer maker and the designer of the system:

    From the desktop after starting both computers  and waiting for the Local Area Connection 3 to show it is connected (speed 1.0Gbps)

    click Slave Computer (dedicated VI 64 bit) >Connect>enter password>log on(Vienna Ensemble Server pop-up appears  Active Instances shows blank.>minimize window>desktop screen>Cubase4>from the FILE pulldown menu select Recent Projects>select current project(the first 16 instruments are all Ensemble 1, the next four - channels 17-20 -are Ensemble2 channels 1-4.

    Play the piece.  All instruments play. 9So Ens1 and Ens2 are there with the project)

    Click on any Ens 1 (one) of the 16 instruments>in the inspector click on Ens 1 symbol (the light goes on and off only)

    On the bottom of screen bar click on pcal-vienna box - the Ens2  (two)  Window shows up with its 4 instruments.

    Reminder - The Ensemble Server window showed NO Active Instances.

    1. How do I access Ens 1 instruments to edit articulations?  In Cubase and GVI, one could click on the instrument symbol in the project window Inspector and the correct instantiation for that instrument would come up.

    2. Is there some way of saving Ens Instances so they can be accessed as needed from the project window?

    3. While this is going on, where is the Ens1 instrument window? 

    4. Is the assumption that any Vienna Instance used  in the project window will save with the project?  But still, how are the instances accessed for editing?

    I do not see this explained anywhere where I can recognize it.  Can anyone help?

    tony h 

  • Hi Tony,

    After you've loaded the project in Cubase go back to your slave machine. The VE Server should now show 2 active instances and you should be able to find 2 VE's running in your taskbar - you edit them through this interface not through Cubase.

    Have you watched the 'Introducing VE3' video yet? It might help. You can find it in your user area under Videos>Vienna Software Video Tutorials.

    Hope this helps,


  • mosso

    I have tried both of these things (suggestions) several times.  In going back to ensemble after cubase is loaded, there are no instances listed in the server window.  Also, I cannot detect anything in the video that appears to apply to a solution to this, but does confirm wht you have said.

    I'd like to see these two instances appear in the bottom tool bar from which I could access them for editing or additions.

    Do you think I should refer this thread to VSL support?  I don't know if I am making myself clear about this problem. or if that would be a proper question for them.

    thank you for your help

    tony h 

  • I'm not clear either about what's happening.

    All you have to do: open Cubase. Go to devices>vst instruments. Click on a slot in the rack. Choose Vienna Ensemble. Here you connect to your slave and log on. Specify how many audio channels. The VE server has now been instantiated on your slave. Here you open instruments, and you have the number of audio outputs into Cubase you asked for there.That's all you have to do. (If that right there doesn't work, there is something wrong with your network.)

    You save the project in Cubase, and it remembers what you did and loads everything.

  • Hi Tony,

    Since you said that you can hear the instruments play I suspect the VE instances must be loaded on your master machine NOT the slave. Can you confirm this? Is the VSL content on both machines? On which machine is the ViennaKey thyat contains the licences plugged in?

    The answer above should help you. Go to devices>vst instruments. Open one of the VE instances in the rack. You should see a box which is the VE server interface. The IP address will be shown. Is it the same as your slave?

    If you're still having trouble I suggest following the steps I listed above (the post with 4 steps) on a brand new project to see if that works. Let me know at what point you get stuck. This might let us know where the problem is. The video I mentioned also takes you through this process.

    Hopefully one of the VSL staff will be watching this thread and they'll chip in with any useful advice!



  • Hi mosso

    The project is loaded just as you describe and when it is saved remembers the instruments.  The IP address is the same as the slave. The instances are loaded on the master machine.  The Vienna key is plugged into the dedicated Vienna slave.  All works fine to that point with the playback of the project.  

    The issue is how to go back and access the second instance to add more instruments. Now if I go into the file menu in the slave to access any instance saved there,  a pop up window asks if i would like to save the project.  I don't know what is going to be saved or where.  The ensemble server does not show active instances when I go back to it after Cubase.  The toolbar at the bottom of the project window does not show the two instances, only Cubase and Ensemble.  When I select Ensemble, the Vienna screen shows an empty instrument window.  awhen i access the file pull down, that is when the pop-up window appears as described above.

    I continue to work on the project, hear its full palyback and save the work as is normal.  I do not have access to the individual instances to add or modify the instruments contained in them.

    I do thank you for hanging in there with me.  I believe this is a two PC Cubase-VE thing hinging on some control that will enable the instances to show in the Ensemble server and the tool bar in Cubase. I am a new user of Vienna, so this is just a supposition.

    Thank you again, mosso, I appreciate your time and effort to help me,

    best to you and your work,

    tony h

  • If you have correctly loaded 2 instances on your slave machine there will be 2 VE user interfaces on accessible through the toolbar on your slave machine.

    On my slave machine you can see the following (in the example you can see I'm using 3 instances of VE). You can also see the server window that states that there are 3 instances running. If you look at the taskbar in this pic you'll see 4 VE items - the server + the 3 instances.

    Dont use the file menu, except to load a whole set of instruments over the existing ones. In the VE window on your slave you should be able to see a column on the left. This shows your busses and instruments, and the top one should be called 'Master Bus'. Click on an instrument in this column and you will be able to see the VI interface, which you should use as normal to edit articulations (click on patch assign and off you go). If you want to add another instruments there are buttons at the top right of the window to add instruments (labelled 'Insert Instrument'). If you press this you'll see a new instrument appear in the column on the left hand side of the VE window.

    If you still find yourself struggling I suggest you start a new project and add empty instances yourself from scratch - this will give you a much better idea of how it works than trying to edit a setup that seems to have come about without you knowing how you did it.

    Hope you get it working,


  • Hi.

    Vienna Ensemble prompts you to save the performance when you quit it. Or, when you try to load over an extant performance. (btw it's going to be saved in the default location the installer provided, until you tell Directory Manager it should be elsewhere. On OSX that is users\shared>VSL Custom Data. To make sure you know where, run Directory Manager from your Applications or Program Files Vienna Instruments folder, and click on "custom folder ..." button. it will save as .viframe and/or as .matrix here.) Follow mosso here and load the additional instruments in new instances, and it should all work according to plan.

  • mosso

    That is what I would like to see, but do not see.

    I'll try the new project test and see if it will come up that way.

    thank you

    tony h

  • There are clearly some problems - you can't see 2 instances of VE so that's why you can't edit the 1st instance. That's why I suggest going through the process step-by-step from scratch to see where the problems are.

    I should just add that before the 5 steps I listed you should of course start the VE server of your slave machine. [:$]

    Please report back to let us know how you get on.


  • last edited
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    @mosso said:

    There are clearly some problems - you can't see 2 instances of VE so that's why you can't edit the 1st instance.


    That's why I suggest going through the process step-by-step from scratch to see where the problems are.


    [quote=mosso]I should just add that before the 5 steps I listed you should of course start the VE server of your slave machine.

    Hah!  It took me a lot of enters and deletes to figure out what the VE server was - even though it was stated in one easy to pass over sentence in the instructions.  Strikes my funny bone that all my fussing now allows me to understand  what you said in that sentence.

    Please report back to let us know how you get on.

    I will indeed.  It will take me some time to get it going if I use the time to also set up  Wind, Brass, Strings, and Percussion instances so the learning trial will be productive and worth the journey.  I guess I could also just set up one instrument in each instance to learn how to do it right before investing my life in that longer time expense. Yes.  I'll do the short version for trial.

    I'm in a little muddle right now but should get it done in the next few days,

    Thank you for hanging in.


  • Mr. mosso (and other helpers).  Here are my results:

    Allow me to remind you that in using Cubase and VE, starting from the desktop window, I open the slave computer which asks for a password and allows me to log on.  A VE server window has me copy the slave number from the left side to the active box on the right, a password and a connect box.  That taken care of, I minimize the VE window which automatically returns me to the desktop where I can load Cubase and open a project window. It sounds trivial, so what's the point?


    In the above action, I have activated the first VE instance (instantiation). [ Please place four-month overdue light bulb here! ]

    Please relish this with me as the virtual amateur.  In Cubase>Devices>Vst Intruments>select an Ensemble plug-in>Pop up window appears asking if i want to create a MIDI track assigned to plug-in VE.  There is a create box, a cancel box and the X (close window) box. > Select create.  THERE IS ALSO A VE SERVER INTERFACE POP-UP showing NOT CONNECTED. My habit is to just close the window, after all, I have already assigned the slave number and connected it in the VE window when I opened VE as described above.

    Please insert second light bulb here.  WRONG

    The NOT CONNECTED  server interface is where any and all added instances must have the SLAVE NUMBER ASSIGNED each time for each instance (you recall asking me that mosso, yes?) -  ahh, yahh, um, sure  ok.  

    That's it.  That was mental block preventing me from getting the instances to appear on the bottom tool bar and listed as active in the server window.

    Of course, there is one more little snag...the VE interface window is larger than my monitor screen, so I have to scroll down to see the tool bars at the bottom of this window otherwise I don't see the instances to access.

    And by the way, VE keyboard keys register one octave higher than Cubase keys, so when assigning keyswitches, C#1 in VE is C# in Cubase (thank you Beat Kaufmann).

    So the chase is over.  I thank you sincerely for putting aside the helpless feeling of exasperation you experience when the instruction you are giving should solve the problem - but doesn't.  If this website had ratings for helpfullness from moderators, mosso would have to be a perfect ten.  Thank you mosso.  I appreciate the others who chimed in as well.  Who knows what word or thought or combination helped to break my mistaken mid-set?  Thanks to you all.

    Now I wonder what the created MIDI track for the ensemble instance is for... and is there a way to insert an Altiverb reverb room setting so I  can compose with the instruments sounding truer to their tone in MIDI before converting to audio...


    tony h

  • Hi Tony,

    Glad you got it working! Also, to avoid any confusion I should say that I'm not a moderator - just another user.

    As for your other questions...

    I can't help with Cubase I'm afraid. My knowledge is long out of date - but maybe another person here can point you in the right direction. If you want to insert an Altiverb instance you can do in VE on your slave by using the 'add effect' button (when you select 'Master Bus' from the left hand column of VE), or you can insert them on the audio being returned by VE3 in Cubase. I'm not sure how, but I'm sure it'll be quite straightforward. If you check your Cubase manual it should tell you how to insert effects.



  • Perhaps the accolades for your persistence should be greater.  Above and beyond the call, Mr. mosso.  You certainly have done well by me.

    Yes, I have used the Cubase sends .  Beat Kaufmann's excellent earliar course discussed  a Cubase use  of sends and group channels.  I have been made aware of shaping the stereo pattern and placing the instruments in the MIDI mixer channel of VE.  Kaufmann is near to publishing his english version of  using VI (August was the target) in which I am anticipating some changes in procedure as when to balance the instruments, adjust the stereo width and place the reverb.  He, like you, is  thorough.  I do not know what direction he has taken.  I do hope it will cover the above.

    Thanks again for your patience and help.  You have made me a fan.

    Best and warmest regards,

    tony h