Hi im new to Vienna, i dont own any vienna instruments at the moment, but im a house producer, and i have allways been searching for my To-go Vst plugins. Ive used and tried all from waves to psp, voxengo, flux etc etc.
BUT nothing beats the VSL fx suite, why? well, its just that it has all the things i need the compressor, to choose between diffrent types, side chaining, the eq, to have great sounding eq with a nice gui, and the list continues.
im thankful, and i hope vienna will expand the plugins with ex, a multiband widener, delay effect, new compressor like the "La-2a" with only 2-3 knobs. a good effect plugins, with phazer/chorus, gate etc. A filter plugin, with more than 20 diffrent filter types etc etc.
THANKS VIENNA, for this wonderful product!
Jean Maxwell