Hi I'm a little confused with this offer. Do you have to order the 3 downloads at the same time under the same order or is it that you can buy 3 downloads over the suggested period before April 15th. I bought one last night and was about to buy 2 more today. Do I still get my free download doing it this way?
Download Instruments Spring offer help please.
Actually, what I am confused by, is whether the freebie is separate from three that you buy, or whether you buy three at once and say which one of the three you want to be your free one. The wording indicates the latter, but logic tells me it must be the former, as the purchase form would have difficulty completing with an unknown pricing factor involved :-).
So it seems you can even buy them one at a time, and for every three you can specify a free extra one. Or is this offer limited to one only (as opposed to free free libraries if you buy six download libraries, for instance)?
Somehow I didn't notice this offer in the earlier announcements and emails about the Spring Offers. I only saw it for the first time today when I visited the home page of Vienna Symphonic Library. At least there's still two weeks left to take advantage of the offer; I can't take advantage of the DVD offers as I must be cautious about expenses preceding a vacation. The downloads are doable though as they're a small expense.
I have purchased several of the download instruments and it works like this:
1. Put 3 instruments into your basket.
2. Specify a 4th instrument( the free one) in the comment field.
3. Pay the bill.
Repeat step 1-3 ad libitum.
I don't know if you can actually just buy 1 instrument at a time and VSL then figures out how many free instruments you are entitled to, but seems to me that since you have to specify the free instrument in the comment field of the order it makes sense to order 3 at a time.