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  • VST Expression -- to be supported by Vienna Instruments, Garritan, and others

    This topic really crosses over all of the forums, so I wasn't sure where best to put it.

    I only had time to skim it briefly, but it sounds exciting -- especially if it doesn't just apply to Cubase users.

    Anything that makes it easier to assign articulations from a score, is a big step forward.

    It's funny timing, as I had just brought up this topic in the notation forum.

  • I think that it doesn't only apply to Cubase users, but other sequencer developers would have to implement it, which they may not want to do, as it might seem to be that they are copying Steinberg.


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    i felt this topic might be best homed here in the notation forum, since the principle generally relates to scoring ...

    some of you might have heard about MusicXMLTM already and the concept behind is nothing one could avoid to touch over the next years (IMO) ... more hopefully not too many vendors will try to develop their own dialect, but fortunately the nature of XML allows advanced translation rules using XSLT

    unfortunately the term VXML has already beeen taken by telekom companies and is a W3C standard, otherwise i'd encourage everyone to work on a common basis for VSL articulations 😉


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • will it require a new version of VI/VE?

  • You don't have to wait - it works already.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hi !

    Do you planned to release Expression Maps for the VSL libraries ?

  • Hi Stéphane!

    There will be Expression Maps for some of our products (e.g. Special Edition), though I have to say that we are a bit restricted here, because at the current state Cubase Expression doesn't offer all the possibilities of switching articulations we could wish for. [;)]


    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hi Andi, and thank you for your answer.

    I don't have Cubase 5 for now but have read the manual. Do you have an example of what won't be possible with the expression map ?

  • Many of our current presets and matrices use MIDI Control Changes for articulation switching. Cubase Expression does not offer the possibility to send MIDI Control changes. But it is possibble to restructure our matrices and presets with H-Span and V-Span set to keyswitches, as the possibility to send two keyswitches for one expression is given.


    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • It is possible in the Logical Editor in Cubase to map MIDI Control Changes to midi notes and MIDI notes to Control Changes. If someone could figure this out it would be most helpful. Cubase 5 will arrive at my house tomorrow and I have built a new fast computer recently so I am very excited about this.

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    @andi said:

    There will be Expression Maps for some of our products (e.g. Special Edition), though I have to say that we are a bit restricted here, because at the current state Cubase Expression doesn't offer all the possibilities of switching articulations we could wish for.

    Hi!  Any idea when these Expression Maps may be available?  I have Special Edition (Full) and Cubase 5 and wondering what the best long-term way to set up dozens of instruments.   What I'm doing now seems a bit tedious -- not bad but I don't want to waste my time doing it any more than I have to.    So an expression map or other pointers would be appreciated!

    Keyswitches don't seem as nice (or pure) to me as controllers, so I don't know what the Cubase folks were thinking, but if it's the best way, I guess I don't care.


  • Expressionmaps will be available soon.



    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Cubase 5.01 now supports CC control in VST Expression. Here is a quote from Steinberg:

    "It is now possible to define up to two individual MIDI Control Change messages for a Sound Slot in the Output Mapping area. Each sound slot can be associated with a color. When working in the MIDI editors, such as the Key Editor, you can use the Color Scheme Selector in the Toolbar to colorize note events by Sound Slots."

  • Hi!

    I may look stupid but I can't make VST expression work on my station with VSL.

    I'm using VE3 and from Cubase 5, when I create VST expression using keyboard keyswitch (from C0) and activate it, the notes are not listened in the slave VE. If I desactivate VST expression and push the same C0, it works fine!

    How do you manage to make it work ?

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    @Ramu said:


    I may look stupid but I can't make VST expression work on my station with VSL.

    I'm using VE3 and from Cubase 5, when I create VST expression using keyboard keyswitch (from C0) and activate it, the notes are not listened in the slave VE. If I desactivate VST expression and push the same C0, it works fine!

    How do you manage to make it work ?


    Hi Ramu

    Sounds like you only defined the input side ( the key vaule next to the defined articulation )

    Did you define the output side as well? - thats the values in the top right box. Here you set the keyswitch, prg.change etc.

    And in the new Cubase update controllers are included as well.

  • You might be interested in some news... [H]

    Best, Andi

    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • An endeavour here is that with the expression map I made for my new french oboe (vsl) in C5 most things work, but: with some key switching I get erroneous matrices and the key I set to select a matrix in the map is not selected, but another matrix in column. It seems that first and second key can change position and make an octave jump, e.g. E1 as key 1 is to select a matrix and C0 to select a patch, but then the matrix designated by C1 and the patch E1 of that matrix are selected. I cannot find what I am doing wrong, it would be such a shame if the very interesting expression map could not be made to work. Any ideas ?

  • Cubase has a different naming of pitches. They use C3 for the middle C instead of C4. So if you want to use a key switch on E1, you have to enter E0 as switch in your expression map.


    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Thanks for the response, but the key names already take the C5 offset into account, the apparent random switching between 1st and 2nd key remains still. Gerard

  • Hello Gerard!

    What do you mean with C5 offset? I still think that you confused the Cubase and the VSL naming of the octaves. Octaves don't jump by random and the 1st key switch always is sent before the second one.
    Why don't you just use the Expression Map and preset you find in your User Area? Everything is preconfigured there.


    Vienna Symphonic Library