@herb said:
At the moment we have no concrete plans and schedules for strings single download instruments.
First we look how the wind downloads will work and make any plans regarding strings later this year.
Generally most users need string ensembles with all sections.
So the SE and SE PLUS string download products are for most users useful as downloadable string products.
oooh, darn it! Ok, thanks for the response. I understand what you are saying, cuz how many people would only want to buy violas? As an SE owner, my strategy was to buy the new single instrument downloadable violins, viola, and cellos, and maybe save some money by not buying basses. I was also hoping to maybe get a few extra articulations (beyond what's in SE Plus) like fast legato.
Ok, what i really want is to be able to download individual articulations. Doing that would probably drive VSL crazy due to the complexity involved, so ok, I'm not gonna complain!