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    @herb said:

    The next version of VE3 is in developement, and will offer this feature of samples stay loaded if you switch projects in your sequenzer.

    It's a major developement step and will need some time. We expect to have it ready in late summer/early fall.



    Herb, will it also be able to save the project as a whole, or will one have to save individual Presets, much as I used to do with GVI and FXT?


  • At the moment you save the whole sequenzer project including the VE3 network instances on your slaves.

    Do you mean with "project" VE3 exclusively?



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    @herb said:

    At the moment you save the whole sequenzer project including the VE3 network instances on your slaves.

    Do you mean with "project" VE3 exclusively?



    I was thinking that if there was the opportunity to disconnect whilst loading a new Cubase project file, then how would that affect all the samples that are currently saved whilst using a project? With GVI one could either save the samples,. which resulted in the being dumped from memory when opening a new project file, or the other option was to disconnect from Giga, which meant saving a Preset for each cue. Maybe this is all a little OT, so feel free to email me if you'd like to continue this discussion.


  • We have to wait what our developers will offer.



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    @herb said:

    We have to wait what our developers will offer.



    Fair enough.


  • Bidule: I think it would be worth checking that it did work with VE. I can see your point, and that it would work with Vienna INSTRUMENTS. However, on the Mac at least, a VE instantiation occupies it's own memory space, and so would ignore (I believe) the presence of other VE instances. My Bidule point (missing yours, I admit) was a parallel one.... B

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    @benbartlett said:

    Bidule: I think it would be worth checking that it did work with VE. I can see your point, and that it would work with Vienna INSTRUMENTS. However, on the Mac at least, a VE instantiation occupies it's own memory space, and so would ignore (I believe) the presence of other VE instances. My Bidule point (missing yours, I admit) was a parallel one.... B

    In XP, all VE plugin instances (no matter what host) occupy the same memory space. I just thought that it was worth seeing if this was the case on OSX as well.


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    @herb said:

    It's a major developement step and will need some time. We expect to have it ready in late summer/early fall.




    That's good news that you are working on this! But I don't quite understand why this is so complicated. What we actually need is a much *simpler* version of VE3 that only turns incoming MIDI data into audio and doesn't communciate with the main sequencer about the chosen patches. So does it really have to take that long? (I admit that I'm not a programmer.)



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    @herb said:

    It's a major developement step and will need some time. We expect to have it ready in late summer/early fall.



    That's good news that you are working on this! But I don't quite understand why this is so complicated. What we actually need is a much *simpler* version of VE3 that only turns incoming MIDI data into audio and doesn't communciate with the main sequencer about the chosen patches. So does it really have to take that long? (I admit that I'm not a programmer.)



    If you're not interested in audio flowing into the sequencer, then just use a standalone and MOL.


  • Bidule: Thinking about it - yes as a plugin, each VE instance will occupy the same space. So I seem to be, again, missing your point! Sorry.

    Indeed, I tried hosting VE on a separate machine within cubase and hit a memory wall regardless of how many instances. But just to be clear about Bidule, at least as a re-wire (and standalone in as far as I have tested it) it seems a little shaky. Although it's an extraordinary piece of software. I have read of users progamming Bidule to recognize pitch on incomming audio. Very advanced...

    For me the following is working:  

    2 Instances of VE on a single MacPro with 10GB Ram.

    2 2408's, shared by both instances (ie they are "polite" to each other about sharing a soundcard).

    Instance 1 is using 2.39GB

    Instance 2 is using  2.73GB (not bad for 32 bit)

    The ability of VE to now address (and share accross) 64 outputs as redically changed the potential of all this, avoiding the need for multiple sound cards. 96 outputs would be welcome, as that's the limit of the 424 card.


  • This could also benifit users (like myself) of VE2. One could open and close different "songs" in Logic and have all the samples still available. In the long run, this may become even more important than the VE3 option, since with 8 cores and maybe future 16 core computers, there is (will be) no longer the need for 2 computers.

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    @benbartlett said:

    Bidule: Thinking about it - yes as a plugin, each VE instance will occupy the same space. So I seem to be, again, missing your point! Sorry.


    Ben, I'm probably not explaining it very well. If you really would like a more detailed explanation of how it helps, then I'm happy to give it, but I don't want to waste your time if it is not really useful to you.

    At the moment it is all theoretical anyway, as Mac does not have 64bit applications yet. However, I'm assuming that this will be rectified soon(assuming that Apple has already released the required code), and in that situation you could well be loading many GB of samples within multiple plugin instances. In that case my workaround could work very well for you.

    Over the next few weeks I'll he temporarily adding one more 8GB slave to my setup, and that will most likely increase my writing template to around 10GB. I certainly won't want to be hanging around for 20 minutes to load each project!


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    @DG said:

    If you're not interested in audio flowing into the sequencer, then just use a standalone and MOL.

    Of course I'm interested in audio flowing into the sequencer by network and don't want to buy big, expensive audio interfaces...

  • Just run into this thread as I'm building my 32gb slave.

    Needless to say I too would love to see this feature when I could just use the same 30gb template and keep it on all the time.

    I'm glad that Herb is working on it.

    DG, I thought you were jocking about 16gb loading in 30 seconds.  Currently I have to wait for about 3 minutes for 1.5gb to load on my dual core 2 duo 2gb pc.


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    @sasha said:

    DG, I thought you were jocking about 16gb loading in 30 seconds.  Currently I have to wait for about 3 minutes for 1.5gb to load on my dual core 2 duo 2gb pc.


    This is why I use my workaround. The first time I load my template it takes 15 minutes. I can't be having that more than once a day.


  • Ben -

    Hi - long time no see! Hope you are well.

    Have you tried using AUlab to instantiate the VE3s and then address these from Logic in much the same way as if you were just using AUlab to host any other plugs?

    I haven't tried this so I dont know if it will work, but if you have AUlab (free from the Apple dev kit website) you might give it a go. It would fix your problem immediately - the AUlab sits happily in the background 'holding on' to the VE3s while you quit Logic and reload cues.


    Paul Thomson 

  • I'm going to give it a try. On of my PC servers just died and I'm finishing upgrading it tonight to a Quad 8 gig with XP64. Also if you don't want to deal with having to set up Bidule, (which is a bit of hassle) you can get RAX to host VST for mac, which works great and is super simple to use.

  • DG- I'm assuming that you boot up your other host app to hold the samples, instance VE3 and then in the slave, assign all the same VI that you have loaded into the real VE to the dummy VE so that it holds all the samples even if your working VE goes offline?

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    @Tripit said:

    DG- I'm assuming that you boot up your other host app to hold the samples, instance VE3 and then in the slave, assign all the same VI that you have loaded into the real VE to the dummy VE so that it holds all the samples even if your working VE goes offline?

    I'm using FXT but the theory still holds. I have a working template, so even though my cues may have slightly different requirements, it is only those different samples that have to be loaded if I switch cues.


  • Thanks. Yeah, I use all templates as well. They only vary slightly depending on the cue or film.