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  • Thanks Dietz, I do have one final question. In all the MIR stuff it says that it will have different concert hall IR's, but will you also be releasing any scoring stage IR's?

    If you are, can I suggest two scoring stage IR's that I would love to have

    1) Air Lyndhurst
    2) Abbey Road.


  • [quote=Simsy]

    I don't know what the Air policy is, but Abbey road won't allow sampling of the space for convolution reverb purposes.


  • Thanks Dietz for the update on MIR! It sounds very exciting and promising, especially if you can use it as a "normal" convo verb. So it's still a few months away, and VE3 will likely be released before, if I read correctly. I wonder at what point you will consider it to be "acceptable" in term of performance: when you can run it at 50% quality in real-time? Another difficult question is the price tag. Since most people are already using other reverbs (AV6, ...) with convincing results, how much would they pay to use MIR instead? That's tough to answer, for sure...

    But what a monster this MIR must be! It probably eats quad-cores at breakfast... [:P]

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    @Another User said:

    But what a monster this MIR must be! It probably eats quad-cores at breakfast...
    Two of them, and an eight-core for dessert! I took a recent quad-core as demo-machine with me to Frankfurt, and we had to scale down the engine to less than 20% of its possibilities to have full resolution (no head/tail separation of the IRs) in realtime.

    But maybe we've found a new way to overcome these enourmous CPU-requirements in a very elegant way, making old-school off-line-rendering more or less unnecessary. Our developers dig into that right now, so it's still a bit uncertain. If we succeed, we will be able to use the MIR in full resolution (the equivalent of around 1.000 single convolutions for each microphone position) close to real time on a machine like to one I mentioned before.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • [:O]So you guys are also involved in quantum computers now?!? After Direct Note Access' announcement, nothing should surprise me anymore, but man...

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    Quoting myself:

    @Another User said:

    Right now I have no new demos at hand which I would consider to be representative. I still have to link you to the early "proof-of-concept"-mixes available in our demo-zone, namely the complete "Pictures at an Exhibition".
    DG was kind enough to point out in a private message that the "Pictures" may not be after everyone's fancy (for example his own 😉 ...), so you may be better off waiting for new, representative mixes using the actual MIR-engine.


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Melodyne's DNA is a revolution, VSL's MIR is more of an evolution, I'd say. At least, the MIR won't blast the borders of copyrighs and mechanical rights as we knew it up to now.

    And no - no quantum computers here, just good old "think different" :-)

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @DG said:


    I don't know what the Air policy is, but Abbey road won't allow sampling of the space for convolution reverb purposes.



    What a shame. They should know that the people who can afford to track at Abbey Road...will track at Abbey Road! What I mean is that I don't think their business would suffer as a result of some impulse responses

    I've got it! We need some eccentric artist to infiltrate their studio who has written an all-sweeping sine wave album. 😊

  • Hi,

    So I'm thinking of getting Altiverb soon to get some nice reverb to my VSL instruments.  Before I do so, is there any hint of an updated word as to when we can expect MIR?  If it's within this year, I may hold off on the Altiverb purchase.

    Many thanks,



  • If you want to work _now_, then get AltiVerb, please. 8-) ... although "within a year" sounds very reasonable to me.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Well Dietz

    Since we are at it...

    ... when do I get my Hallfahne of the most prestigious concert hall on this planet, well known to all record lovers for its wonderful acoustics and venue of choice for great artists, acclaimed for its superior acoustic, for all its classical recordings, a Who's Who of classical music recorded in this Salle: Claudio Arrau, Alfred Brendel, Krystian Zimerman, the Beaux Arts Trio, I Musici, Quarteto Italiano, Henryk Szering, Arthur Grumiaux, Gidon Kremer, Mischa Maisky etc., Martha Argerich recorded the Schumann violin sonatas in this Salle...



  • Thanks for the update Dietz, In reading about MIR which sounds real exciting. I was to looking into the Altiverb and 8-core macpro. Then i started reading more about the MIR now I'm having second thoughts about getting either of them now. I know people say if you need to get a new system now, get it. It would help out allot to have a 8-core, but i dont need it to live, i can wait. But if i dont have to and can get the best of both world that would be nice too. I see the team is working hard on the code with getting the cpu cycles down. But knowing how 8-core are and how things change so fast. Do you think with VSL ,MIR,VE3, and other reverbs and DAW that 8-cores will handle the MIR. Or should i just wait to see if those fantom 16-cores will come out. Even at that, will that 16-core hoarse be enough to handle MIR? Im a person who can wait. But if MIR is eating 8-cores for ice cream. Then i think i better walk away from the window and come back later. What do you think. Also what system are you test the MIR on. And how much Liquid Helium does it use.

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    [i]Sorry for the late reply, I'm recovering from a one-week vacation 😉 ... [/i]

    @CplusE said:

    [...] Do you think with VSL ,MIR,VE3, and other reverbs and DAW that 8-cores will handle the MIR. Or should i just wait to see if those fantom 16-cores will come out. [...]
    When everything turns out the way we intend it, our programming team has cut the demands of the engine by a factor of eight to ten in its most recent incarnation - turning the MIR from a CPU-cycle-guzzling monster into an efficient workhorse.

    That said, it never hurts to have as much power at hand as possible! 8-)


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hi to this thread,

    I recently downloaded the MIR video file, and l still like replaying it as the music and all the ideas presented are pretty exciting. As an altiverb user, I sometimes put the live mix through altiverb - I have 2 gigs ram, plus a core 2 duo processor based on windows xp. But, I don't use the individual altiverbs for each section / instrument, just one overall altiverb for everything. But, when it comes to mixing the individual instruments, I of course, turn  the reverb off and export each midi instrument performance,  as a "no reverb" audio file in cubase, to another folder,  then make a mix with just these  audio tracks of course [and only audio tracks] , and thats when I add the different orchestral positions and as many instances  of altiverb as I need for each orchestral section - as anyone who knows altiverb may do, and I have a number of different altiverb instances with the tail turned off etc, and only add a tail on the one main altiverb in which all of the audio is streaming through etc etc.

    Now - with MIR, some of you with a really powerful computer set up eg more than one computer, and VE3 on another, will be able to use MIR on their live midi instrument tracks- and now, that Dietz has mentioned that the programming team has cut the cpu usage by MIR down significantly, maybe I will to also be able to do that with my pc set up, but, with MIR, will we still be able to use it on individual audio tracks on a final mix as I have mentioned I do [rather than midi playback], as one does with altiverb [and I know that many altiverb users use it quite differently than I do]?

    thanks if Dietz, or anyone else who is knowledgeable about MIR will know.

    thanks and best,


  • Question about MIR : Will it be possible to install it on a computer, samplers on two, and the main midi software on another? In fact, will it be possible to use it on a standalone system?

  • Will it cost less than 1,500 Euros?

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    @Robert Munnelly said:

    Will it cost less than 1,500 Euros?
    Please understand that we won't publish numbers officially before the actual product is ready for the market, but a gut feeling tells me that you will be pleasently surprised. 😉

    And due to our latest developments the computer to host the MIR won't cost you an arm and a leg, either.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @SyQuEsT said:

    Question about MIR : Will it be possible to install it on a computer, samplers on two, and the main midi software on another? In fact, will it be possible to use it on a standalone system?

    Yes, that's most certainly part of our plans.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • :D You rock, Dietz. A few weeks ago me and some friends had a drinking game [born and bred in Ireland, forgive us] based around every time Dietz said 'on your desktop' in on of the tutorial videos.

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    @Robert Munnelly said:

    😄 You rock, Dietz. A few weeks ago me and some friends had a drinking game [born and bred in Ireland, forgive us] based around every time Dietz said 'on your desktop' in on of the tutorial videos.
    So you are absolutely sober since weeks now, as I didn't talk in any tutorial video. ;-D

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library