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  • Christof,

    I think I understand your points. To some extent I even agree. Currently there is no comparison between a digital orchestra and a real one in a live performance (unless the real one really sucks and the digital one is very good).

    To be clear: I'm not interested in replacing human performance with machine performance. However, people will and do go hear orchestra music in concert halls emanating from speakers. Tanglewood, for example. I can't base my own artistic goals on what people will or will not do. Who cares!

    Lastly, I think it's just a bit over-reaching for you to simply pronounce these things "interesting experiments, not more." One could say the same of Glenn Gould's work, Beethoven's Bagatelles, Der Kunst der Fuge, etc., etc. We're looking at what is becoming possible. Is it yet possible? Perhaps not. But that doesn't mean it won't be.

    It would be nice if performers could embrace the continuing expansion of the musical palette. But not all of them want to accept the inevitable. That's okay, but please let the rest of us try without heaping your a priori, unilateral designations of as-yet-unperformed efforts as something inferior to what you might be able to produce with your own choice of performance technology (i.e, your cello).

    As always, the proof will be in the mind of the listeners. Not on this forum.

  • Hey Paul Henry, Beautiful demo ! I am Camille, the writer of OSCulator. I try to send you a message on this site, but I seems like the forum is broken … Could you please write me at camille [at] I have a question! Thanks, Cam

  • I also thingk it's not fair to say that someone can't express feeling on a virtual instrument. In actualilty, I think you'd be able to express yourself even more if you know how to use the software. It's possible to do almost anything with computer technology nowdays, you just have to know how to use it. You can already do lots of things in a virtual instrument that you can't do with a real one. (audio slicing, time stretching/curring/shifting of the pitch.) and even odder things than that. Let's see someone try to do a a trill of 96ths notes... exactly. Why would you want to do something like that? I don't know, but you can.

    You couldn't express yourself with a real instrument if you don't really know everything about it or if you don't know how to use it.

    Another point is that the virtual instrument doesn't have to sound mind blowing real to be able to fully express your feelings on it. Way back when, instruents only had two or three notes or maybe it was just drums and they were able to do it just fine. Another example is when you were a little kid ( I don't mean YOU, but just for this point), when a child first discovers their love for music, I'm pretty sure it was not on a 48,000 dollar piano or some huge virtual orchestra. Yet you can hear that they are playing it and stuff.

    Oh, one other thing. I think that if a person played an instrument live and recorded it and put it on a CD and stuff, you'd get it and listen to it, correct? So because you weren't there, does that mean that you won't feel the human spirit, feeling, and love put in to that song because it's just an audio copy? With a virtual orchestra, a person put lots of time and hard work into making that piece of music I'm sure. They didn't just hit a few keys on the keyboard and there it was. I'm sure that their songs have JUST as much feeling in it as the real thing.

    The reason keyswitches and velocity levels and all sorts of things exist is so that you CAN put more feeling into a piece. The Wiimote idea allows you now to put feeling in your conducting the piece after you make it so now it can sound even more like someone did it and put work in to it.

    If you listen to the music from the video game, Final Fantasy VII, it's obviously NOT made with the best sounds, but aside from the sound quality not being that great, the music is still quite good and it's clear that the person who created it is quite talented.

    Someone could make a wonderful piece of music on a very bad piece of equipment or a very messed up instrument, and it would sound decent and be ok to listen to. Another person could just bang out a few notes on a very expensive instrument and it could just sound like noise.

    Also, if I play a song on a real piano apposed to a very good synthetic one, will it show that I didn't do as good of a job on it? Maybe if the synth one isn't very well made, it woun't sound AS good, but other than that, all the feeling is there. it'd sound exactly how it sound if I played it in front of you... unless of course the recording wasn't that good, but all that aside, it doesn't matter how good the software or instrument is and it doesn't matter what interface you use to do it. Heck, I could start using my Need for Speed racing wheel in VSL VI and put it up here. I wonder what people would say then? What matters is how much work and effort a person puts into it. 

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    @Another User said:

    With a virtual orchestra, a person put lots of time and hard work into making that piece of music I'm sure. They didn't just hit a few keys on the keyboard and there it was. I'm sure that their songs have JUST as much feeling in it as the real thing.

    I can't agree with that.

    The listener doesn't care about how much heart the programmer put into his work, what counts is the real music coming to his ears, nothing else.Ther are just too many parameters missing to create this very special magic in live or even studio performances.

     I play about 7 concerts a week and I also create hours of music with the VI,so I think that I can say  there is a difference. I put a lots of emotions to my last piece (link above) but I am still not happy with it because the emotion is only a simulation of the emotion of a real human orchestra.

    Anyway, lets be happy to have the possibility to hear our compositions before they have been performed by humans, and lets keep in mind that a machine remains a machine and a human remains a human, and I think that everybody is happy about that!


  •  I think we are near the beginning rather than the end of knowing the capabilities of virtual instruments. Right now I would say that a really good sample based performance is something like a hologram of dinner - - in some cases such as Paul's performance of the Beethoven quartet perhaps more than that. But, what might be more interesting is the effect virtual performance may have on composers.

    The great musicologist, Paul Bekker, pointed out that the use of strong dynamic contrast as a structural device in music begins in Mozart and Haydn, but does not gain a central role until Beethoven - - and he posits that the invention and improvement of the piano have everything to do with this because the the piano gave composers a tool to fool around with at home that was capable of just such contrasts. Similarly it is hard to imagine the development of chromatic hamony in the 19th Century without the ubiquity of the piano and, with it, equal temprament - - since this allowed composers to noodle around with chromatic double entendres (aka chord substitutions).as never before.  The piano is also a machine - - the first mass-produced musical instrument  - - and the feedback loop with which it provided composers had an enormous impact on the history of music.

  •  I get what Christof is saying now. Well I agree. I don't think it will REPLACE the real thing but it will just sound a lot like it.

    ...although in some cases it might. (In movies and games it already has for the most part.) Bu I think people will much rather see people PLAYING the actual instruments than coming to see a giant screen with Logic on it. "Oh wow... a matrix window... how cool is that?" "Look at the way those notes are scrolling by! Is that not just AMAZING!!?"

    Now what MIGHT be interesting is if there were like a group of 4 or 5 people playing on keyboards and they preformed some orchestral pieces live with virtual instruments. Now that may be kind of cool for some. 

  • I have no idea what people will or will not want to go see. Therefore, I'm not spending time trying to figure that out. And I certainly don't want to have to deal with more unnecessary technology (like a giant screen). We do know that people routinely go watch a single musician on a stage, like a pianist, where more than 80% of the audience can't see what the pianist is doing with their fingers. So, the assumption that people won't go see a single musician on a stage is misguided. They do that all the time.

    Also, I have been to concerts where no one is on stage at all and there is no screen, just speakers playing pre-recorded orchestral music. Daniel Kellog's doctoral recital at Yale was a recent example. So, while that sort of "concet" is most unusual and presented as sub-optimal, it nonetheless did happen ... and the audience did, in fact, applaud ... even after having been told not to do so. But playing recordings in a concert hall does not unlock the hall's potential to enable a great musical experience.

    More important than the question of what people will or will not want to see, to me, is the musical result that can come from performing live in a concert hall. Look how much effort one puts into fashioning recordings with stereo imaging, "stage" placement, sampled reverbs, etc., often without knowing what the ultimate playback device will be (iPod, kitchen, or car stereo, for example). Contrast this with a concert hall. The hall is like a big instrument. You can play it, or the sounds produced in it, by modulating one's tempo, emphases, balance, loudness, articulation, etc. To what end? Well, that's the crux of the whole matter.

    For me, as a performing musician, using a concert hall is the most direct way to create the conditions under which a great musical experience might occur. Not only is it the most direct, it's the easiest way. As a musician that's what I'm trying to accomplish. I'm not concerned with "what will people watch." I'm concerned with "can we create these conditions where something great MIGHT happen?" The only way to get an answer is to try. And that's what I'm going to do.

    If people want to come to the hall and see if I'm succeeding, great. They're certainly welcome. So, if you're in New York City in early November you're welcome to come to my public concert at Barge Music, where the Baltimore Chamber Orchestra and I will successively perform the same work. There you'll have a chance to hear a live orchestra and a digital one in a head-to-head comparison. My good friend Markand Thakar will conduct the live orchestra. I'll conduct the Fauxharmonic, using exclusively VSL's Vienna Instruments, of course!

  • I studied music for years and applaud what has been done with VSL and the work done by Mr Smith. I, as a disabled musician and composer find it most exciting. I have also worked with commercial musicians and found a lack of professionalism about them, not all, but it still cost me a lot of money over the years. You see not all of us are so quick to dismiss this. Of course it will not replace top class musicians but it will replace the ones i've come across. Good luck to Mr Smith and his work, because in the end it will help us further down the snob scale to make interesting music. Cheers Ian

  • So finally Stravinsky's witticisms about the "Orchestra Without Conductor" became reality.

    "I am not concerned about orchestras without conductor but about the conductors without orchestra".

    - Igor Stravinsky

    "Conductors' careers are made for the most part with 'Romantic' music. 'Classic' music eliminates the conductor; we do not remember him in it".

    - Igor Stravinsky


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    @Angelo Clematide said:

    "I am not concerned about orchestras without conductor but about the conductors without orchestra".

    - Igor Stravinsky

    I love it! [:P]