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  • new mac pro are out

    Check out ,just a heads up.

  • looks good ... 8x3GHz CPU 8x2GB RAM 2x500GB + 2x1TB (sATA) = 7.619.- EUR

    + accepts SAS disks

    + PCI express 2 (allows external connection of expansion cards = *real* breakout boxes)

    - again no external sATA ports


    just wonder where to find the specs about the motherboard


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • I ordered mine this evening...2.8Ghz 8-Core processors, 2GB RAM (will upgrade this using 3rd-party company...probably Crucial), an extra internal 500GB sATA HD to put my Opus samples on.. ...can't wait untill it arrives :)

  • Very nice. I might just wait until 17th. Until Namm to see how to take control of the budget. :) But have you read anything about the difference in performance in 2.8 and 3.0.

  • I haven't actually...but bearing in mind I would be using the computer for audio and nothing too taxing like 3D rendering etc., I thought 2.8Ghz processors would be more than sufficient. To be fair, quad core would probably have been okay. But I think buying 8-core will future proof you for a long while. Plus, to upgrade to the 3Ghz is an extra £500..not something I could easily just have forked out. Spent enough as it was anyway!

  • Definitely very interested in this machine... I've been waiting a long time for this. My big question is memory, since that's probably the single most important thing for a VI machine. Has anybody found PC2-6400 FB-DIMMs for a reasonable price, anywhere? And has anybody found a 3rd party outlet for 2 GB sticks? If I'm going to bother with this machine, I'd love to take it past 8 GB (since I think the machine will be able to run _loads_ of VI instances, without breaking a sweat). I got the unbuffered 800 MHz stuff in my current machine for about $750, for 8 GB (4 x 2GB sticks)... maybe it's just a matter of waiting a little for the buffered stuff to show up in the normal channels... more waiting... ugh!


  • jbm, if memory serves, we've both been waiting for this computer for several months now.

    While I don't know where third-party memory can be found presently, I do know that yesterday afternoon I checked Crucial, and there was no mention of memory for the new MacPro. This early morning, they have a place holder page where it will be sold. "Not yet available." But my experience with Crucial is that the lag time between models and third party memory is not long at all. With MacWorld around the corner, one can imagine how many hits they'll get in the next week and their urgency to make the DIMMS available.

  • Ah! This just turned up at

    Just make sure you click the little "800" button...

    Decent price, too! Looks like I'll be seeing 8 cores grinding away on 16GB of RAM sooner than I thought!


  • Just would like to make sure how Logic 8 is on the new Mac Pro before any definite commitment. But it looks like this will be OK for a go ahead. I did the usual Mac configuration on the Apple site - leaving out the ram - but including hard drives; although I would probably get them from or somewhere like that. Whoa - still not a cheap option buying one of these fat boys. Came to about 5 grand. I'm thinking very fast hard drive in the 4th slot for pianos.

  •  Check this out: ...scroll down to sound and you will be able to compare how Logic Pro 8.0.1 performs when running certain plug-ins

  • Hey Paul, what's up? 5 grand sounds pretty high... what did you add for drives? Did you go for the nVidia card as well? Hmm... I did notice that Apple is putting the screws to you Brits, as usual, but not by that much, actually. (Mind you, that VAT is a killer.) They decided to raise the price in Canada by $100! I find that kind of funny. It's just like a little poke in the ribs - "that's for being Canadian." ;-) And besides, I'm used to getting dragged around in the mud for at least $300, so I'm not complaining.
    Now, I'm sure you know this, but $250 bucks for a 500GB sata drive is bonkers - there's no _way_ I'd buy my drives from Apple. It may not be as bad as the RAM (around %300 mark-up), but it's pretty damn close! I read somebody saying that buying upgrades from Apple was like buying food and alcohol at a hotel... or something like that... which I thought was pretty funny! The prices are already coming down on the new Seagate 7200.11 (32MB cache) drives, so I'd try those for sample drives. A lot of places around here are selling those cheaper than Apple's drives, and I'd imagine Apple is still using the 7200.10 series.


  • Matt. I was actually kind of surprised how little improvement there was over the previous 8-core. Obviously no sse4 in Logic! ;-)


  • yeah it's only a minor speed bump i guess. but i waited for the new 8-core purely for value for money...8-core is now standard and a lot cheaper than before.


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    @Matt_Taylor said:

    yeah it's only a minor speed bump i guess. but i waited for the new 8-core purely for value for money...8-core is now standard and a lot cheaper than before.



    Oh yeah, I've been waiting for ages, as well. But you've got at least a little future-proofing comfort with this machine: pcie 2.0, faster bus, and afaik the Harpertowns are a good stretch more efficient than the previous xeons, which means less power, less heat. Always good. And sse4 is always possible with these, if Apple decides to do it.


  • What is sse4? I'm not too familiar with technical terms like these ;p

  • Oh yeah, it's an instruction set for vector math, kind of like the altivec stuff for PPC processors. [ EDIT - I should qualify that with an "afaik"... From what I understand, it's basically like altivec for Intel chips. ] It can speed up certain calculations by a pretty huge margin. But it has to be coded in - it doesn't just get used automatically.

    And on a less technical, but _much_ more exciting note, my order's in!!! Sometime next week I should be receiving shipment on the new beast! :-)


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    @jbm said:

    Oh yeah, it's an instruction set for vector math, kind of like the altivec stuff for PPC processors. [ EDIT - I should qualify that with an "afaik"... From what I understand, it's basically like altivec for Intel chips. ] It can speed up certain calculations by a pretty huge margin. But it has to be coded in - it doesn't just get used automatically.

    And on a less technical, but _much_ more exciting note, my order's in!!! Sometime next week I should be receiving shipment on the new beast! 😊


    Oh i see...

    Fantastic...wish you well to use it when it arrives! What spec did u get? My estimated shipment date is on or before 15th jan[:)]

  • I wonder what everyone thinks about these computers having been launched earlier than expected, while USB 3.0 (more like 3000 compared to USB 2.0) and similar Firewire speeds are nearing production stages. Also, are the Firewire connections on the new MacPro again really only one Firewire with two sockets?

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    @Errikos said:

    I wonder what everyone thinks about these computers having been launched earlier than expected, while USB 3.0 (more like 3000 compared to USB 2.0) and similar Firewire speeds are nearing production stages. Also, are the Firewire connections on the new MacPro again really only one Firewire with two sockets?

    A fair question. But USB is, and probably always will be, shite. Great for keyboards and mice and other rodents, but not for audio or streaming. Unless, of course, USB 3.0 finally takes timing information into account... not sure. New firewire would be nice, but again, not a deal-breaker, for me. Also, I'm going to have 3 empty expansion slots, which I would imagine will do perfectly well hosting USB 3.0 or Firewire whatever cards. As far as being "launched earlier", I don't quite understand. Up until yesterday, the Mac Pro was truly long-in-the-tooth, and in dire need of an update. For me, it's just about processor and RAM. That's basically what I need, and with 8 2.8 GHz cores running on 16GB, I think I'll be okay for a while! 😉

    And actually, if you price out the parts for building a similar machine (hackintosh), you'll see that Apple's price is quite reasonable. The 2.8 GHz Xeon 5400s are about $750 a pop, and the mobo to run them is about $500, so that's $2000 right there. Consider adding even the stock 2 GB RAM, DVD burner, a good case, fans, and a suitable PSU, and you're getting up there into the same price territory - maybe a few bucks extra for Apple's design, a legit copy of Leopard, and the pleasure of just unpacking the box and booting! So $2699 CAD (I got the educational discount, on the base model, and RAM is coming from OWC) is actually a very good price, from my research.


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    @Matt_Taylor said:



    Oh i see...


    Fantastic...wish you well to use it when it arrives! What spec did u get? My estimated shipment date is on or before 15th jan

    I got the absolute stock system - dual 2.8 GHz, 2 GB RAM, ATI card, 320 GB drive. My current machine has my sample and audio drives, which I'll move over to the Mac Pro. RAM is coming from OWC ( I truly can't wait... going mental already. Now, if only Sibelius would make some headway on fixing the vast bug farm they birthed with version 5 (5.1 is better, but still fairly grim), I'd be laughing.
