Heyguys. I'm just wondering because I'm planning on getting it... but I don't know that much about orchestrations although I do listen to them a lot. I've made a few orchestral pieces here and there with smallerlibaries but I don't think I'll be specializing in only specific orchestral music. I also make electronic, some other stuff, ambient, and some dance stuff too.
I'd like to get this, but I don't know if it'll be overkill or not. As I said before, I do make some orchestral pieces and would like to use these as they sound much more realistic then what I have now. But like I said, I'm no virtual instrument programming expert or anything.
So that's why I'm asking. Sorry if it sounds like I'm just rambling on about nothing, I'm just wondering if this is a bit too adcanced.
In other words.... is this something the average person can use?