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  • In case it helps, it looks like I have a reproducible recipe for these crashes now.  

    I can send my Logic song, VE project and anything else you need if it helps you preroduce and fix these crashes.  They only happen with the plugin - the standalone version with the same project loaded seems to work fine.


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    thx so far, however it would be more helpful to email the crashlogs to to get them forwarded .... because also our audio machines are not connected to the internet and the forum can't be read on them ....


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hi Christian 

    I've sent the crashlogs in question to your support address.

    Please let me know if you require additional information. I'm very keen to help get these issues resolved ASAP.



  • jules, i just received a first rough feedback ... are you possibly running altiverb 5?

    this version is - so to speak - not supported and the issue should not occure with altiverb 6


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hi Christian - thanks for the quick response.

    I'm using Altiverb 6.1.1, which is the latest version AFAIK.



  • Thanks, we also need to know, if the crash is reproduceable if no altiverb is inserted.



  • hi there. just purchased vienna special edition, was hoping to use it in protools via the vienna ensemble RTAS plugin. installed everything, most seems to be working, but i only see one midi channel available to me. any advice?

  • Hi,

    You'll need to give us a bit more to go on... A bit more info on your setup would help. But, for now...

    I'm using both VI and VE with PT7.3cs5 (Pro Tools|HD) and it all works absolutely beautifully. I also have the Special Edition as well as some of the individual VIs. When you use the Vienna Instruments then obviously there is only one MIDI channel per instance but when used inside Ensemble you create various instruments and assign a separate MIDI channel to each (you do need to do this yourself, they default to OMNI otherwise). So that might explain it. Certainly I'm getting 16 MIDI channels per instance of Vienna Ensemble. But as you say you've only just purchased the SE I wonder whether you might be confusing Vienna Ensemble with the Vienna Instruments plug-in? The latter (VI) comes on the DVD in the box, the former (VE) is a free download from the user area on this website once you've registered but you won't find it on the DVD. 

    Certainly you would only get one MIDI channel per instance of VI. For multiple MIDI channels you need to download VE. Do excuse me if I've guessed this wrong but the simplest solution is so often the right one...

    Anyway, if you can give me a bit more info I'll do my best to help as I'm a fellow PT/VI user.



    Mac Mini M2 16Gb RAM 500Gb int. SSD 2Tb ext. SSD Pro Tools/Mixbus An awful lot of VI, Synchron-ised and Synchron libraries, amongst others. VSL user since 2003.
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    @herb said:

    Thanks, we also need to know, if the crash is reproduceable if no altiverb is inserted.



    Hi Herb  

    I'll test as soon as I'm in the studio today.


  • Hi Herb, Christian

    I ran some more tests with VE and Logic - this time with Altiverb removed from the system.

    I can still reproduce the VE crashes easily, just by opening and closing a few instrument interfaces or trying to work with the VE interface itself.

    I am sending the resulting crashlog to your support address now.  Like you, I also had a suspicion that perhaps Altiverb might have been the cause.  Unfortunately this seems not to be the case.

    Please let me know if/how I can help further.



  • Chris/Herb 

    FWIW the standalone Vienna Ensemble displays none of these issues - I worked with it using the same VE session all day yesterday (including 5 instances of Altiverb 6) and saw no issuees of stability, so the crashes certainly seem to be specific to the plugin format, perhaps exclusively an issue with Logic.

    However, there are some strange memory overhead anomolies.  My Vienna Ensemble setup uses 1086 MB of samples, but shows memory usage of 1.9GB.  Even allowing for a few instances of Altiverb, it seems like alot of additional memory is being used by VE compared to other hosts.

    Let me know if I can provide additional information.


    Intel Mac Pro (8 Core - 3GHz), 8GB Ram, Logic Pro 7.2.3, OS 10.4.11

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    @cm said:

    saving and loading projects with more than 1 VE has been fixed ... to what else are you referring in detail?


    Does launching Finale still cause this version of VE to launch? Thanks, Michael

  •  Micahel:

    In my experience, yes, launching Finale still causes the most recent version of VE to launch. CM has said that they are working on this issue.


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    @stevesong said:



    In my experience, yes, launching Finale still causes the most recent version of VE to launch. CM has said that they are working on this issue.



    Thanks, Stephen. Michael