Hi. I'm trying to get the new Performance Tool v2 beta1 to work with Overdrive. I've gone through the Performace Tool .pdf, and I am still having trouble using Legato, Auto Alternation, and Repetition Modes. Here is my MIDI setup...
I booted up my PC, and loaded up everything in the following order:
1.) My MIDI Keyboard
2.) Cubase SX
3.) Performance Tool v2 beta1
4.) Gigastudio
Here is my MIDI routine:
1.) My physical MIDI keyboard goes into the soundcard (Audio DSP 24 Value).
2.) SX MIDI In: "ADSP24 Midi1" (The physical MIDI Input on my soundcard)
3.) SX MIDI Out: "Nemesys Midiout[[[:P]]]ort1"
4.) Perf Tool MIDI In: "ADSP24 Midi1" (Could there be a conflict over this port with SX attempting to also use it?)
5.) Perf Tool MIDI Out: "Nemesys Midiout[[[:P]]]ort1"
6.)Giga MIDI In: "<none>"
7.) Giga MIDI Out: "Nemesys Out[[[:P]]]ort1"
What does happen is that I can send MIDI Data to Gigastudio from SX just fine. The samples play back, but the Performance Tool is not affecting any MIDI parameters that I am aware of. Even loading up the Overdrive presets does not allow for Rep, Leg, or Alt Modes to function.
Any ideas what might be happening? Maybe it is a setting within the Tool itself that I need to adjust? What should the play ranges be set to for Overdrive instruments? And are the play range values the same, regardless of what type of patch I load?
On another note, I found a sample inside of Overdrive that needs re-pitching. It can be found here:
04 EG Flageolet.gig - EG_natural-FL_velocity ---> A3, forte layer has been pitched too low. It's a simple fix, but I thought I'd run it by the team.
Thank you for your help,
Unconscious Sound
I booted up my PC, and loaded up everything in the following order:
1.) My MIDI Keyboard
2.) Cubase SX
3.) Performance Tool v2 beta1
4.) Gigastudio
Here is my MIDI routine:
1.) My physical MIDI keyboard goes into the soundcard (Audio DSP 24 Value).
2.) SX MIDI In: "ADSP24 Midi1" (The physical MIDI Input on my soundcard)
3.) SX MIDI Out: "Nemesys Midiout[[[:P]]]ort1"
4.) Perf Tool MIDI In: "ADSP24 Midi1" (Could there be a conflict over this port with SX attempting to also use it?)
5.) Perf Tool MIDI Out: "Nemesys Midiout[[[:P]]]ort1"
6.)Giga MIDI In: "<none>"
7.) Giga MIDI Out: "Nemesys Out[[[:P]]]ort1"
What does happen is that I can send MIDI Data to Gigastudio from SX just fine. The samples play back, but the Performance Tool is not affecting any MIDI parameters that I am aware of. Even loading up the Overdrive presets does not allow for Rep, Leg, or Alt Modes to function.
Any ideas what might be happening? Maybe it is a setting within the Tool itself that I need to adjust? What should the play ranges be set to for Overdrive instruments? And are the play range values the same, regardless of what type of patch I load?
On another note, I found a sample inside of Overdrive that needs re-pitching. It can be found here:
04 EG Flageolet.gig - EG_natural-FL_velocity ---> A3, forte layer has been pitched too low. It's a simple fix, but I thought I'd run it by the team.
Thank you for your help,
Unconscious Sound