@jbm said:
Hey Evan, it's been a long time! Hope all's well.
From the Sibelius 5 "Stunning new sounds and playback" page:
"...and sustained notes get continuously louder or softer along the hairpin."
Doesn't this mean we've got hairpins playing back?
Well I think it's using CC11 or CC7. That's not good enough for us to be able to use crossfade layered instruments, that only is controlling the volume or relative volume respectively, not the timbre. And in my tests so far, hairpins didn't do anything at all during sustains.
It's truly amazing how far behind the notation software has been in MIDI. These are things that the professionals created and have known for decades. Crossfade layers have been around for over 10 years, at least.
Evan Evans
I'm forgetting that you're not on VI yet, right? On the VI you could assign cell crossfades or velocity crossfades to pretty much any controller, afaik. So we should be able to get nice playback from hairpins pretty easily, I should think.