Of course one could look at it another way. It is far cheaper to sequence stuff so that other people can have a good idea what the sound is, compared with the old fashioned route of hiring an orchestra. It also means that more people get a chance to write than ever before, which is a mixed blessing as IMO there is no more good music about than there used to be; only more "composers".
That is true. hiring an orchestra is rediculously expensive, and for good reason. But for most of us, the orchestra is a luxury we will rarely get to have. So in that sense, its better to shell out $15,000 USD one time on a nice home studio and have a beautiful orchestra at your fingertips.
Of course the downside is, orchestras loose money. However, in some sense VSL is the orchestra for the common composer, albiet it takes quite an initial sacrifice to get the library in the first place. [:P] In my case, I'm just incredibly lucky and grateful for that luck.
I wish I could answer why Logic tops off at 3.7 gigs. But that is still quite alot. With a nice SATA RAID 0 array to store your samples on, and 3.7 gigs of RAM to load the samples to?... You will be a happy person, no doubt!!