What's the price for Opus2, and the Opus1 & Opus2 bundle in American dollars?
@Martin said:
Here are the US prices, effective from April 1st:
Opus 1: $895
Opus 2: $495
Opus Bundle (Opus 1 + Opus 2): $1,295
I really appreciate the new pricing - brings me that much closer to being able to afford it! [[;)]] And with more value too. Most of the Opus 2 additions are quite interesting - I would have liked some chamber strings elements in there too, but I guess that is asking too much, eh? [6]
How much of the French Oboe is in this collection? (I assume that the bonus clarinet and english horn are not included?)
If you own the Opus Bundle, will the upgrade policy (100% deduction of the Opus value) to the bigger libraries remain the same?
congratulations, VSL. This looks really great. I think the idea of basic articulations for solo strings is perfect, as this allows you to layer in a solo string with the section for that added bit of realism. And for that, you don't need the full articulation set, so this is very thoughtful.
Muted trumpet, horns, and trombones! Yah! Their absence was something that bothered me about Opus 1, so this is great. And Epic Horns to boot!
I'm not 100% sure what the string run articulations are. Are those complete runs in one sample, in all the variations mentioned? or individual notes appropriate for such runs?
There is no upgrade price from the First Edition either because Opus 2 contains all new material for Opus 1 and First Edition users.
(dpcon, normally you'd be only a few miles away, but I'm in Vienna currently. Give the 101 a big hug from me [;)]
Yes, the string runs are complete fast runs in one sample.
At Musikmesse Frankfurt we'll be celebrating 1.5 million samples, what for do you think we're recording these?
Insane... in a good way [[:D]]
- When is this MM?
- When will these samples be available for us mortals? [:)]
- When will we hear some more about the Cube and future projects?
- When will the computer industry actually catch up with you guys? [[:D]]
Martin, I can't find the detailed articulation list for Opus2. All that I'm getting on the product page is a picture of the box and prices/formats info.
P.S.@Martin said:
(dpcon, normally you'd be only a few miles away, but I'm in Vienna currently. Give the 101 a big hug from me [;)]
Hurry back Martin. Spring has sprung. As for the 101, well, you'll be happy to know that it is still hell on earth.
@belkina said:
I currently own Opus 1, Chamber strings, solo strings, and woodwind ensembles.
Does the "never pay for the same sample twice" principle hold, since some of Opus 2 content comes from solo str. and woodwind ensembles?
Thank you,
Alan Belkin
Same here....
At first I was thrilled when reading about an Opus 2. Then, looking at the contents, came disapointment. I think this package is not intended for people who bought the abovementioned libraries (solo strings, woodwinds, chamberstrings),because for about 500€, they only get flautando strings, a few runs, a couple of perf-leg, and basic articulations of Epic Horns.
IMO, a clever -and fair- attitude from VSL would be to offer significant and cumulative discounts for people who purchased and registered those horizon libraries.
Well, the Opus 2 looks pretty cool -- definitely missed the B Cl and C Bsn perf-leg instruments in Opus 1 -- but it doesn't seem to be too great a jump for those of us travelling the slow road to the complete orchestral package... But then again, the price is pretty good, and probably worth it, if only for the extra perf-leg instruments and the muted brass stuff. Next time I have some dough to play with I'll probably be picking this one up!
One thing I'm genuinely curious about, though, is whether Opus 2 will properly 'complete' the winds and brass in Opus 1? As it stands, the B Cl, and C Bsn (and also the C Tb) are all basically 'keyboard splits' with the Cl, Bsn and Tb, respectively -- even for the articulations represented, these instruments are not there in a complete range, but rather share their upper registers with the higher-range instruments. Will Opus 2 "fill out" these low-register instruments, or will they remain pretty much unchanged?
All-in-all it's pretty nice, but I'd rather it were closer in price to Opus 1 but contained more of the Pro Edition content (e.g., the proper cre and dim samples, to fill-out Opus 1's pfps, and so on), and no "bonuses". The bonuses are kind of cool, but don't really add any value, in my case. I'm kind of old school that way -- I don't want bits and pieces, just fully integrated instruments.