I think that the actual sound is very good and on the whole the mix works well for me. My only real cristicism would be of some of the performance tempi and timings. I don't find enough space, particularly in the last couple of sections. Other times (figure 172 for example) the tempo relationship is just wrong. It is dificult to explain, but I tried conducting it through and it felt very rushed at times over barlines. An example of this is the subito pp 3 bars from the end, where the whole orchestra needs to feel as though it is holding it's collective breath.
One more very small point. A previous poster mentioned the Timps; I think that not only is it too much "in the face" but it sometimes sounds early. Remember that in real terms the Timp player is at the back of the hall so one doesn't get the immediate effect. That is not to say that it will sound late...!
One more very small point. A previous poster mentioned the Timps; I think that not only is it too much "in the face" but it sometimes sounds early. Remember that in real terms the Timp player is at the back of the hall so one doesn't get the immediate effect. That is not to say that it will sound late...!