But he wrote that one really big...blockbuster, independent, low-budget, straight-to limited VHS release, horror movie score that pushed modern film scoring techniques to new levels! And he's got a really big brain! Its almost like having the local intellectual, 50-year-old, high school drop-out lecture you on your life, just before asking you if you would like him to bag your groceries in paper or plastic bags.
Kind of hard to stomach all his rhetoric, when his wealth of knowledge, talent, and connections have yet to produce any significant work.
If I am speaking unfairly E-cubed, feel free to inform us of some of your work that can be found in the local video store, music store, television, or movie theater. Something above the B movie horror flicks, that all of us unskilled hacks have been able to accomplish. Can we even find info on you and your music anywhere other than a website that you run? I'm convinced your good enough to do better...but you unfortunately open your mouth too often....who could tolerate you, really? I guess when you keep your head that far up your ass at all times, you can't really smell the bullshit that comes out of your mouth anytime its moving. Please let me, and the 1 other member of your fan club know the second you land a job that gives you the clout to play knowledge authority over anyone on this forum.