@Another User said:
I am familiar with those stories as well. And in regards to your words that what I said is wrong: I said almost . I am not wrong. You may have mistook me. But certainly all I was doing was giving an example for others. Do you live in Los Angeles? Have you spent a decade there? I am not sure you understand that the language of Le Sacre is what is spoken here. It is so fundamental that it is even a forgotten assimilation. In any event, we were talking about the Hollywood Sound, and it's only my interpretation on what you have said here, but I don't think you exude words that show much experience with it. Every LA musician in the union plays Le Sacre-like music natively. It's our language. (I'm trying to say this without giving any offense, because I think you are a very interesting person and I have very much enjoyed all your posts and sharing our experiences on the board together.)
No, I do not live in Los Angeles, I live in France, south of France, in the coutryside, when I am looking out the window, I do not see any skyskrapers, but cows, horses and beautifull threes. I am Swiss citizen and was born only about 120 miles away from the house the Sacre was written. I think I have to put this clear, because by reading your post, one could think the Sacre was composed in Hollywood, but it was not: it was written in Switzerland close to Montreux. I do not write this to offend you in anyway, but as an old man, I may know things, from first hand, better than you can.
Also the so called "technique" of the Sacre has to be looked at in very critical way, since I have heard personally Igor Stravinsky saying that he did not use any technique for the Sacre, but just did write down what he did hear inside. Of course he said this 50 years after having written the piece, so he may did not remember [;)] As for the Analizing of the Sacre, I do not think this is the exclusivity of Los Angeles. Actually from the Hollywood film scores I did hear, which are partly inspired and partly literally stolen from Sacre, I must say that I am not convinced at all. besides the fact that some of this composers are perect craftmans, it seams to me, that from a purely artistic point of view, they did (miss-)used this work for the purpose of sound effects, but there is absolutey nothing from the spirit and the genius of the music of Strawinsky in them.
I know that there some great musician in Los Angeles, and that for some reasons it is still the mecca of movies. But believe me Evan, there are also some great musician, as good as the ones in Los Angeles, in Vienna, Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris and in many other places........You are not the only one who seam to think that everything which has some kind of importance comes from Hollywood, and I finish my post by writing again: you are definitely wrong!