Being a flagship, will SYMPHONIC CUBE contain all instruments of the new HORIZON series?
Will CUBE contain HORIZON?
We plan a modular system for the Symphonic Cube.
So sample content and also sample resulotion could be defined individually.
Simply: manufacturing after ordering.
One major advantage of a harddisc release.
Therefore I don't see any problems to add any of the non orchestral Horizon products there, or leave them out.
Just as you like or need it.
best wishes
Herb wrote:
We plan a modular system for the Symphonic Cube.
So sample content and also sample resulotion could be defined individually.
Simply: manufacturing after ordering.
One major advantage of a harddisc release.
Therefore I don't see any problems to add any of the non orchestral Horizon products there, or leave them out.
Just as you like or need it.
Herb, that would obviously mean a "tailormade" pricing system. Also, if I order a Horizon Product now, would that be discounted (if applicable) against the Symphonic Cube price?
I'm just thinking ahead....Horizon stuff is out soon, but the Symph Cube only arrives next year.
Thanks - Colin