[*-)]@Paul said:
Still, which non-legato/non-repetition notes do you want to play? there´s veryvery many single notes for each instrument.... We need more RAM!
Hi Paul,
I actually just meant using the system as it stands now: On a typical setup I have maybe 30 articulations loaded in one machine. Perhaps 13 of these performance elements (rep. or leg). So just by programming patch changes into the sequencer for that channel, I can switch to, say, a number of cresc./dim/sfz or whatever articulations for that instrument. I want to be able to use those in the middle of an otherwise legato (or rep.) line, without the perf. tool 'getting in the way'. At the moment, the only solution is to use another midi channel and put these notes onto there.
So it really would be enough for bypass to be triggerable by a keyswitch. Nothing more for now! (oh, can 'bypass' and 'un-bypass' be different keyswitches, rather than a toggle? Could get in a mess otherwise if starting in the middle of a piece...).
Thanks for your help! [:D]
All the best,