@ColinThomson said:
So are you saying that in the future sequencers (like Cubase, or, in my case, Logic) will become irrelevant for mock-ups? If not, what will be their purpose? Thanks.
Surely in that, the notation programme has the advantage because how can one person with a midi keyboard create such a live performance with 20, 40+ complex lines at once.
Interesting times.
not just "20, 30 or 40"
Präludium= 48 miditracks
Reigen = 53 miditracks
marsch = 74 miditracks
In my opinion its somwhat childish to think musical inspiration depends on the fact, that you have played all your miditracks "by hand" in your midikeyboard.
musical imagination is not a question of fingertips and plastic keys, but of muscal imagination.
the greatest composers (Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms etc. have composed major works travelling or hiking throu natur and just imaginating what they want to hear. They tried to comunicate with notation what they intended and we try to realize it with all our possibilitys. If ever music achieves to become human and understandable, its not because of inprezise or hot fingers, but because of the warmth of our musical imagination that speaks - nothing else (imho).
Therefore to me each tool that helps to realize as prezise as possible what musical imagination intends will help. for me its much easier to prezisely control the performance in sequencer and to organize scores in notationsoftware. Perhaps both kind of apps will merge sooner or later. but since there is already now no exportproblem - nothing is missing for me.
best steffen