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  • how use the library with Protools?

    How can I use my Vienna Instrument into Protools? Do I need to change some options in the Vienna Instrument or in the Protools Program because now, my Protools doen't see my Vienna Instrument.

    Thank you so much for the answer of my last question.

  • Hi there,

    as far as I know, the VI do NOT support RTAS so you won't be able to use it within Protools.

    I believe it is possible to use them in stand-alone mode or maybe with a host like Kore but from what I've read, it is not really stable.

    The best solution is to get a cheap PC or a Mac Mini to run it on another station. You won't regret it.


  • Hi,

    Check out the "VST to RTAS Adapter" at
    The adapter has worked flawlessly with every VST plugin I have, although I have not yet used it with Vienna Instruments. I'm expecting Vienna SE to arrive this week and plan to use it in Pro Tools.

    Bruce Brody

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    @bruce brody said:


    Check out the "VST to RTAS Adapter" at
    The adapter has worked flawlessly with every VST plugin I have, although I have not yet used it with Vienna Instruments. I'm expecting Vienna SE to arrive this week and plan to use it in Pro Tools.

    Bruce Brody

    Hi Bruce,

    I'd be interested in knowing how that Adapter will work with VSL. Sounds promising.


  • Hi!

    Vienna Instruments are available as standalone application and as AU/VST plug in´s only.
    An RTAS version of Vienna Instruments is not available. Tests with FXpansion`s VST to RTAS wrapper software weren´t successful in terms of reliability. Therefore Vienna Instruments are not compatible with Pro Tools Software at the moment.

    Vienna Instruments will of course work as standalone application (with Core Audio).

    Best regards,

    M a y a

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    @Maya said:


    Vienna Instruments are available as standalone application and as AU/VST plug in´s only.
    An RTAS version of Vienna Instruments is not available. Tests with FXpansion`s VST to RTAS wrapper software weren´t successful in terms of reliability. Therefore Vienna Instruments are not compatible with Pro Tools Software at the moment.

    Vienna Instruments will of course work as standalone application (with Core Audio).

    Best regards,

    M a y a

    HI, I am new owner and member of the VSL Special Edition 2. I heard from a colleague that you would be getting an RTAS setup for VSL in the future. Do you know how long that might be.. i.e. this year? I am also running DP5 as well and it seem stable there. May try Logic that I have but waiting for the update to 8 that looks interesting from Apple. Regards, G

  • Has anyone tried V.I. Player standalone -> Jack OS X -> FXpansion VST ->RTAS -> bliss?

  • Goodness, I am a very, very happy and proud user of many of the great VSL products, but I must say, I am TERRIBLY DISAPPOINTED that the Vienna Instruments do not currently work directly with Pro Tools. Honestly, this is odd. At least in the U.S., Pro Tools is the #1 platform in the professional music industry, and so, I think it is a serious ommission that Vienna Instruments are not reliably working within Pro Tools via RTAS.

    VSO, I love you guys dearly but WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?

  • They're thinking that they tried and couldn't get it to work well.

    Really, the stand-alone version running outside PT is the ticket. You'll be much happier doing it that way.

  • Hi,

    I'm using Vienna SE on a Dell9100 laptop, Win XP SP2, in ProTools LE 7.3.1, Mbox, with FXpansion`s VST to RTAS Adapter 2.11.
    The only problem I'm having is with the Vienna GUI not displaying properly when it is opened. Clicking on any selection (Matrix assign, Patch assign, etc.) fixes the display.

    Bruce Brody

  • Nick, how do you then get audio into Pro Tools?

    Thanks for the info in advance...

  • Unfortunately, I think you have to use a wire on Mac. I've read here - possibly even in this thread - that the performance on Mac with the VST->RTAS adapter isn't up to snuff.

    But there's possible salvation if you're using an interface with good converters in front of your PT LE or M-Powered software. For example, if you have a MH MIO 2882, RME Fireface, or Apogee Ensemble going into an M-Audio interface, you could do the routing using these interfaces' built-in digital mixing. Same if you're using a digital mixer.

    MIDI is easy, of course: IAC.

  • Nick, thanks for your reply on this. I have a fully blown PT HD system, and I'm not the smartest guy with routing, so I don't know if I can do what you're suggesting. All my VSL stuff is used in Kontakt, and that works really well for me. However, I'd like some of the new Vienna Instruments, but I guess for PT, it's a pain, because most people don't seem to be having luck with the VST wire. If you still think I can do this with a PTHD system, let me know. Otherwise, I'm back to my original issue with VSO, which is why they'd not make these Instruments compatible with the #1 software in the world for professional users. I mean, VST is great for Logic users (I think), but there's sure a lot of PT guys out there working at the professional level, as I'm sure you know. It seems weird that VSO would leave them in the cold.

  • If you do a search of this forum you'll find where they said that they tried to do an RTAS version and just weren't able to get the performance up to snuff.

    In any case, with HD it may be different, since you're running DAE and Core Audio together and I don't know how good the performance is (having sold my Mix hardware a while ago).

  • johnvannest, if you talk about RTAS, this is a proprietary protocol and not publically specified like VST - digidesign possibly likes to feature their own sampler (and the respective sample producer) than VSL ... i don't know.
    from what i've heard RTAS would work sufficiently enough only for intel macs and if such a version will be performant enough and available be assured VSL will anounce it.
    AFAIK also RTAS to VST wrappers are running smooth only on PC so far.

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hi Christian,

    Thanks for your response. I can think of lots of non-Digidesign products which work within RTAS. All of the Arturia products, all of the Native Instruments products. Spectrasonics. MOTU (Mach Five). YellowTools. Etc, etc. So, I'm still not really understanding why VSL can't work similarly.

    As an alternative, why not make ALL of your products compatible with, for instance, NI Kontakt, which does work well via RTAS? Your Horizon series works really, really well via this method, and it just seems that VSO is missing a large part of the marketplace by excluding Pro Tools users for the Vienna Instrument series. I hope that you simply work with Digidesign to make sure your Vienna instrument series can work like any other product (all those named above) within Pro Tools.

  • because it's a holiday here and i've got some time to turn thoughts over in my mind i'd like to go back a little bit in history.

    initially the VSL sample libraries have been created for gigastudio and exs - at that time the only samplers capable to handle the amount of samples and their concept at least *somehow*, with a series of workarounds though ...

    later kontakt and HALion developed to a level which made it appear advisable to translate certain libraries for this formats too - the culprit has always been and still is to make the performance elements (and detection) work and leave at least some IP-protection on the product (activation of performance tool).

    we always had hopes to be able one day to deliver scripted instruments with enough layers (dimensions) and any kind of copy protection.
    the road to GS3 has been long and the iMidi rules are finally not protected, the scripts in Kontakt 2 are in fact not too, midi routing in HALion is still a mess and VSL is meanwhile the last plugin for logic/exs using authorization on an XSkey.
    so what would have been more obvious than to develop a custom sampler fulfilling all these needs, especially concentrating the huge amount of articulations to a single track.

    maybe it has been a mistake, but we've been always looking at PT more as a mixing environment than as a sequencer and (i personally) would still find it more important to allow VI docking to a notation software for a continous workflow ... anyway.

    also personally i don't understand why one would need three (resp. in fact more than 3) methods to connect audio applications on the mac platform (AU as the preferred one from apple's side, VST, RTAS) whereas on windows VST seems to be sufficiently covering all needs.
    i had no chance so far to see it *face-to-face*, but from what i've heard PT and VI doesn't run too bad side by side on PC (of course the absolute minority of PT systems).

    so please understand that the amount of development ressources at VSL can only reflect the little, though important, group of users for a certain application.

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • I've come to the conclusion that the best way to run *any* large sample player is outside the DAW anyway. That includes everything from Ivory Grand to the V.I. player.

  • cm, I go way back to the Opcode days with sequencing. Have been using DP since then, all the way to 5.1. It has been problematic with numerous DAE incompatibilities per upgrades/updates of both MOTU and Digi. I now do everything within PT. What VSL crew needs to understand is to really find out how many PT users there are who are wanting to upgrade from GS3 to VI. I own a few of these libraries both in Giga and VI formats. I prefer the VI but it is very frustrating trying to make it work within the PT environment! I bet there are a lot of PT users that would love a viable solution to this problem. I hope that the VSL crew won't ignore us PT users that do more than mixing in PT! You might be surprised how many PT sequencers there are.....

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    @Another User said:

    also personally i don't understand why one would need three (resp. in fact more than 3) methods to connect audio applications on the mac platform (AU as the preferred one from apple's side, VST, RTAS) whereas on windows VST seems to be sufficiently covering all needs.
    i had no chance so far to see it *face-to-face*, but from what i've heard PT and VI doesn't run too bad side by side on PC (of course the absolute minority of PT systems).

    Because Digidesigns closest competitor is Logic, and thus apple, and therefore consider AU a format of the competition. It's not strange why a company wants their own proprietary format for their platform: for the sake of monopoly and distinguishing their product from the competition with exclusive features and plugins, and for not being a slave to a format that is directly controlled by the closest competitor. Sadly, it's always us end-users that ends up suffering the most from this.

    As for the more technical aspect of this discussion, I have asked you before what kind of problems the RTAS format was producing that has kept you from developing VI support for it, and must say I'm still a little puzzled by the responses that the format seemed to not be well suited for a plugin with the needs and functionallity of the VI. I mean, there are several other developers that have made plugins for RTAS that also handle large volumes of sample data without any trouble performance or stabillity-wise. Take Synthogy's "Ivory", which runs just as good as any VST instance and is still able to bring your S-ATA HD to its knees before the CPU meter hits 10-20%.

    Also, it has come to my attention that Hans Zimmer is producing a big Virtual Orchestra plugin for Digidesign/AIR that will be in direct competition with Vienna products, so somehow it must be possible to get something out of the format. I read in an interview with him that he decided to make the library as a tool for his own writing, while making it a product available for regular customers that also use ProTools for composing, but have no sample library to use within the sequencer.

    Fact remains that ProTools is the industry standard for recording and mixing with an aggresive stance on conquering the composing market, and that market has been wishing for quality composer's tools for ages now. If the market is big enough is of course up for you to determine, but there is without much doubt a rather large niche of the pro/semi-pro market that has unserved needs. [[[;)]]]