To be honest, this discussion about having the startup levels being useful or not, let´s me think, that there are other reasons for not telling the levels. Don´t get me wrong! I think it´s absolutely o.k. to keep some mixing secrets and most of you guys gave more hints, I expected to get.
But: Please don´t come up with the same arguments like, every mix is different or listen to orchestrations yourself!
1. Not all instruments of VSL have the right level and the right level relation to eachother out of the box. (Example: Solo violin compared to VI-16). So every instrument may be changed in master output level, may it be, by using the volume fader, by changing the position in altiverb, by EQ, whatever. Fact is, that in your master output not all of your VSL tracks will have the same relation in peak to eachother as they had directly after being loaded out of the box into your audio instrument track.
2. The relation of the level peaks may be different from song to song. I don´t care, cause I don´t ask for every level setting of every type of orchestral setup. I´d just like to have something to start with. So just take a normal orchestral song like the one Angelo took to show the dynamics as our example setup song. Then check the level peaks, so we beginners know, that these peaks in that kind of music would be a good start. Or post any song and tell the peaks of that song.
3. No matter if a template is useful or not: I don´t want to have the perfect template. I just need something to start with. Once again: I can get two instruments in balance. But I might be doing it wrong cause I chose the wrong start volume levels. I can make a pp VI-16 sound as loud as a full ff chord of the whole rest of the orchestra, if I chose a very high volume level for the VI-16 and very low levels for all other instruments.
And I hope U agree that I would get a wrong timbre, because of chosing wrong level peak relations.
So how can one doubt, that this information would help!?!
4. It´s not right, that no one hast this information. Actually in my actual orchestal song, it would take me about two minutes to get it:
I´d just have to take a mix, that I like, click thru the single instruments, play the loudest note and write down the volume peak of every instrument at my master output. (Once again: It would not matter to me, how you got to this peak and if instrument x has a lower peak than others because instruments have different reverb settings.It´s just one thing, helping a lot.)
I hope, this time I explaind better, what I would like to get hints about, since Angelo and I seemed to be talking about different things.
Thanks for your help anyway.