@Tripit said:
The only thing I didn't get to was switching between the loaded patches. I ran out of time and was looking but didn't find where I could set the keyswitching between the patches loaded in VSI to cc instead of key switching.
Anyone know if there a way to switch between several matrix that are loaded in a player other than keyswitching?
Very exciting! I'm going to look into the Novation. Re the above - by "loaded patches" you mean matrices within a preset, yes? If so, they can be switched by MIDI patch change #s 101 - 112 (although, as I said above, in DP, it's 102-113).
One more question re the Novation: Can it store set-ups of the whole machine, i.e., whole sets of cc assignments to its knobs and faders?
Thanks for checking it out.
Yes it can. Also it comes with an editor program so you don't have to do the programing directly on the novation, which I really like. I've already created 5 or 6 templates that I switch between.
It can hold 40 templates in the remote itself and you can upload or download templates very easily using the editor program. Switching templates on the novation is also just a matter of turning a knob that scrolls through the templates.
Pretty much, it's the best and most advanced controller I've come across, with an exception for the Lemur maybe - which costs about 10 times as much.
Oh yeah, no more thing, the back lit LCD display on the remote rocks.
I'll check out using the midi patch changes for the matrix swtiching. Thanks.