well what I'm talking about are specific demos.
If YOU ask for them, then you'll get to hear exactly what you want to hear. Some people wont ever use the waterphone in VSL so having the 8 billion gigabytes of samples wont matter to them. To me its a great thing to have because its inspiring on a compositional level. To others it's wasted space and wasted time.
Demos are the only way for people who dont ahve the library to actually HEAR these articulations and realize if they'll be useful for their own particular needs. Listening to demo compositions is one thing, but listening to specific compositions showing particular articulations/sounds/concepts/etc is another. And THATS what I'm telling user's to ask for. 7 quick demos against the multitude of VSL demos really doesn't show how QLSO can be used. There will most likely be more shared, by both users and possibly more by the company. Its stupid right now to compare demo for demo. In fact its ignorant. These libraries are two different animals. There's no "better" one because they really shouldn't be compared.
If I split myself into two different people with distinct needs, each one of those people will prefer one library over the other. Its fact. It depends on your need as a composer. Some need Hollywood sound out of the box and dont need endless amounts of choices for articulations performance aspects, some need the choices of articulations and want to be inspired by the suite of exotic playing styles, some dont care for the Hollywood sound, some need bombastic and "huge".
The above points are blatent generalizations, since we all know that specific cues will sound different with different libs, some better some worse, then you factor in the skill of the particular MIDI mockup artist and the equation goes on and on until every nuance is created from the mesh of things that make up the equation, not just one aspect.
So yah its stupid to compare. Use what you got, and get what you "need", dont get something based on other peoples impressions, since its going to be based on what they need as a composer.
Written facts will only take you so far, so defintiely ask for specific demos and specific styles. If you dont get them, dont buy the damn thing, something else will come down the pike or be updated, or advanced, or whatever. Push these companies to work more on showing us what the libs can/can't do, instead of just speaking about them. Words are useless here, its music and performance we're talking about.
and Dietz, you're going to get me into trouble here [;)] Its more of a self imposed silence BTW, yes I'm under NDA, and there is public information I could discuss, its just that too many developers and distributers (not just EW) seem to think that my opinion matters much more than a user's own, so that I have some sort of influence..... welcome to the dark side, its quite frustrating that they dont care when I say something nice (well competing developers do). Anyhow, its gotten me to give up on this crap.
Any company thats invested much $$$ into a product will be overly paranoid about things. Its honestly stupid, too many developers seem to have a divide and conquer mentality, or struggle to be "the best". I invloved myself with developers for the sole fact of helping end users (well, and getting free stuff). Many developers believe "their way" is the "right way". When in all honesty there is no "right way" for everyone in the world.
anyhow, this has been hashed out to ends on NS, lets leave it alone. We should all go back to using AO [:P] or better yet the roland Orch board 1