hi@all - it's out after all
please log in to the userarea at
www.vsl.co.at and download the new version
PERFORMANCE TOOL 1.1 - important Installation notes:
Please uninstall your previous version of the
Performance Tool before running the new installer!
You can do this selecting:
START - Settings - Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs
select VSL MIDI Performance Tool - Remove
No ToolSet you created will be removed during this process,
but you should make a backup-copy of any altered default preset
(.vlp, .pal), as these files will be replaced with the original
files during the installation process
News on v1.1
Hanging Repetition Mode when using with sequencer
Shortcuts for File I/O in all Tools and Main Dialog
You can access Open, Save and Save As... via Ctrl+Key combinations
Reset Button added in all Modes in case the tool gets stuck (please feedback if flaws occur)
Added a layout convenience in Repetition and Alternation Mode:
Whenever you hold the ShiftKey and click in ArrowButtons all successive boxes
will be set to the same value. All above will be untouched.
Added 1st Key OFF FunctionKey: Now you can turn on and off the skipping of the first entry in the boxes
with 2 different keys - which is better suited for working with a sequencer than the previous toggle.
kind regards, christian