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  • Well done Hetoreyn!

    Are we going to have at some point a blooper episode?

    ...We're back!! [H] Now I'd like to play a piece by Guy Back-house, Ahhhh! F! #!%?&*CUT!!! [:@]

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    @Guy said:

    Well done Hetoreyn!

    Are we going to have at some point a blooper episode?

    ...We're back!! [H] Now I'd like to play a piece by Guy Back-house, Ahhhh! F! #!%?&*CUT!!! [:@]

    How is your name pronounced? Back-Es?

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    @Justus said:

    How is your name pronounced? Back-Es?


    But I wasn't making fun of any miss pronunciation, it was a random example... [[;)]]

  • Hetoreyn, a worthy development in the lifecycle of the VSL podcast!

    I would strongly caution you against what may seem like a natural development, now you've hit the big screen.

    Please, please, please, dear chap.
    No revolving disco ball, and,

    No spandex..... [[:|]]

    p.s. There are programs available for mac that 'view' directly from screen, including sound. I have snapz pro x, but there are others that may help with the screenshots of your computer program, and the points you make. Perhaps one of these would help bring us your valuable tips and tricks in glorious technicolour, and save you some degree of time trying to improve the visuals.



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    @Guy said:

    Well done Hetoreyn!

    Are we going to have at some point a blooper episode?

    ...We're back!! [H] Now I'd like to play a piece by Guy Back-house, Ahhhh! F! #!%?&*CUT!!! [:@]

    That happens more often than might might think. In fact I did think about doing a blooper reel for this very show considering how many scrrew ups there were. But I'm trying to keep myself within a modicum of professional [[:P]]

    Perhaps I'll do one later. I certainly had some good one's on the audio shows. I'll be speaking about something and then a massive belch would interupt .. quite funny, but also gross. [:D]

    Thanks for the hink Hermitage, though I make no promises about the spandex [[:P]] hehe.

    Funny, I didn't think of screenshots, So I'll certainly use that for the next show. I did also think about realtime screenviewer recorders .. but I didn't have time to look at them. I'll have a look into them in the future.

    Thanks for the comments people I'm gonna be working hard to get you better shows.

  • just to mention (and because i'm a big fan of built-in apps) - OS X has this great grab-utility for screenshots and screenmovies

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Enjoyed this very much, hetoreyn!!
    You remember me of a former schoolfellow, which listened to Heavy Metal. [[;)]]


  • Heavy Metal Fans! - then this is for you! [:D]

    BTW - great Vidcast Hetoreyn - but what is it about musicians and long hair [[:|]]

  • I think it's natures way of showing just how long we sit around waiting for someone to publish our music [:D]

    Personally I'm hoping mine turns white .. then I can be a REAL composer .. hehe

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    @hetoreyn said:

    I think it's natures way of showing just how long we sit around waiting for someone to publish our music [:D]

    Personally I'm hoping mine turns white .. then I can be a REAL composer .. hehe

    You'd still need the long white beard to make it official....

  • Hetoreyn,

    How about on your next vidcast keep the bloopers for the end, as often seen on TV?