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  • Notes hanging after upgrading to VEPro 7

    I finally got around to upgrading from VEPro 6 to 7. I use it on a PC slave connected to Logic  on a Mac. Now I am having an issue with notes hanging when I use articulation sets within Logic. As soon as I trigger a new articulation (via a 2nd controller keyboard set up for this), the instrument hangs on the note that is used to trigger the new articulation. I can play other notes but the one corresponding to the trigger note in the articulation set keeps sounding until I click on 'Stop all voices' within the instrument plugin. This is using Play hosting Hollywood Orchestra within VEPro. I have never had this issue with version 6. All I did was install the upgrade - I didn't change any other settings within VEPro or Logic. I did however update Play to the latest version, however as I say this has never been an issue before. 

    Does anyone know what might be happening here? This is unusable in its current state so I am really stuck until I can work it out. Thanks.

  • Tell us more about the articulation set, more specifics.  Are you using AU2 or AU3 version of the VePro plugin?  Are you trying to use the old VePro6 multiport templates?

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    Hi Dewdman.

    I am using the standard AU2 version of the plugin and no, I'm not using the multiport templates, never have. I use a simple instance-per-instrument approach with all the articulations for any given instrument within one instance. This has always worked fine for me with VEP 6.

    Here are a few screenshots of how I have set up the Articulation set for the woodwinds. Again, this has always worked fine with VEP 6.

    Art. set 1

    Art. set 2

    Art. set 3

    I hope that gives you enough info.

    Edit: You will see that I am using channel 16 for changing articulations. I have a 2nd midi controller keyboard set up for that purpose. Somehow what seems to be happening is that channel is sending (or rather receiving) some sort of note-on message - and sustaining that note - along with the articulation change. This is particular to VEP 7 for some reason.

  • Articulation sets work by sending the note on of the keyswitch and holding the keyswitch note open until the next recognized articulation Id comes through and then finally the note off of the keyswitch is sent just before sending any keyswitches related to the new articulation Id. If by accident you use a sample library that doesn’t actually have those keyswitches assigned, then the art set would be sending a note on that will actually make sound and hold it open until the next articulation Id comes in. I don’t think the problem is vepro7 vs vepro6, that is just a coincidence. Look Ore closely at the above issues to make sure that isn’t happening.

  • Well as I say this never happened when using VEP 6 / Play and that was with pretty regular use whereas it's always happening now so I doubt that is pure coincidence..

    However I have had some success with an artic. set that has no entries in the Output pane but both other panes the same settings as before. It looks like the way I had it set up with those Output settings was unnecessary and may well have led to the sort of behaviour you are describing. I'll experiment some more with it but hopefully I'm on the right track.

    Now I have an issue where the English horn won't sound any notes at all, even though all indications are that midi is being sent and received and it is set up exactly the same as the other instruments are. Again, this is new behaviour since upgrading. I have re-started both VEPro and Logic but it's still happening. Weird.

  • People haven't been having these kinds of problems generally with VePro7.  I think its just a coincidence.  I had an IT boss once that used to call this the "Fallacy of the last change", which is where people instinctually blame the latest change as the reason for a problem.  But its very often not that case that a recent change is causing the sudden change in behavior, but some other aspect we are not paying attention to.

    You have a lot of moving parts.  So unless you replicate a test using VePro6 and VePro7 using EXACTLY the same test conditions in all other respects...same project, same midi, same articulation set, same sample instruments, same tracks, same everything.  Otherwise you have no way to know that changing to VePro7 is causing the problem, though it may SEEM like that now since you changed to that and now you start noticing this problem.  It doesn't necessarily mean that the change to VePro7 caused it.

    And based on other's experience with VePro7, I doubt it to be the case as well...

    But Articulation Set tech in LogicPro does have some interesting quirks that can run into the kinds of problems you are having, including on VePro6, which I think you are running into now, you just didn't run into it before because concidentally you were using things slightly differently in some encourage you to get back to the articulation sets and your setup to see what's going on there.

  • I understand what you are saying but I literally upgraded VEP and then loaded a project that had worked perfectly in 6 without changing anything at all and immediately ran into this issue consistently - it wasn't even a random occurrence. The only other change was updating Play to the latest version so that may well be a factor.

    Anyway, we'll have to agree to disagree that some factor in the mix between Logic and VEP 7 has caused this. Hopefully I have found a solution at least to the hung notes as outlined above but more testing is needed before I can say for sure. As to the E. Horn not working, that's a puzzle I still have to solve. 

  • ok let us know if and when you figure it out.

  • I just replaced all the patches within the E. Horn instrument and now it seems to be working again. Fingers crossed..

    Thanks for your input.