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  • newbie stopped at the gate VEP and Pro Tools 9

    Hi, I'm on one computer, win 7 64 bit I've installed VEP and epic - I lanch VEP, then I launch Pro Tools 9, then I make a stereo instrument track, placing VEP as an rtas plug - then the server interface window launches, there are zero 'availablke instances' in the window - I don't know how to take this any further anyone out there willing to help a newbie through a learning curve Cheers

  • You need to launch instances from Ve Pro. Make sure you've launched the server version and then just select "add". Once you've added an instance inside the server, it will show up in the Pro Tools rtas window. You need to click "connect" from the rtas menu and you're instances will show up there. The manual explains it better then I do. ;-)

  • How did you go with this? For the life of me I can't get vep6 working inside of protools 9. I only have two available rtas plugins which bring up ve5 or vi5.

  • Hi convictedplo, 

    I'm afraid VE PRO 6 does not offer RTAS, it's AAX Native "only". 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL