I started working with these instruments and am so impressed by the rich, complex sound. The Wagner tuba was a huge inspiration to Bruckner, who loved Wagner and incorporated the tubas into his tremendous symphonies, including the beautiful Adagio of the 7th, one of the most haunting pieces in all music. It is a rich, deep sound, and VSL has actually succeeded in capturing that fantastic ambience of these great instruments. Together with the original Wagner tuba already recorded it is a great addition to the orchestra, adding even more complexity and depth to the brass.
AWESOME Dimension Wagner Tubas
I have become a fan of the Dimension Wagner tuba ensemble, which seems weirdly real, as if these guys are standing in my studio. I noticed on this library that there are more articulations and the sounds are ultra realistic with the Dimension recording technique. So I did a short piece with them alone, with percussion and the older solo Wagner tuba. I was trying to get an extreme barbarian effect with detuning and humanized attacks. Somewhat gentler than the attacks of the original barbarians though, who include the "Ostrogoths" - who lived in Austria. Some of their descendents are probably working at VSL.