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  • VEP 6 A/B Setting Not Working Properly


    I recently updated to VEP 6 and had the latest version running. 

    I have a rather large template within my Cubase 8.5 session. One of the ways I work with this template is to use the A/B preset settings in the Vienna Plugin in Cubase. One of the settings (lets say 'A') brings up a disconnected preset. The other setting ('B') brings up the preserved connected preset to a slave machine.  

    In VEP 5, all was working perfectly. I was able to switch between A and B with no issues. However, with VEP 6, I noticed once I switched to the disconnected setting, it wouldn't disconnect. It only replaced whatever plugins I originally had in the instace with another plugin (specifically, Omnisphere). This happened everytime even with different instances. 

    I even went back and resaved the A/B presets to ensure that it wasn't something wrong with those. It still happened. 

    So I rolled back to VEP 5 and tested the A/B settings again with the old and new presets. It worked fine for both. Never had an issue with it not disconnecting and bringing up Omnisphere.

    Anyone else experienced a similar issue?



  • Yes this definitely needs to be fixed as I work in a similar manner.

  • Hey Paul,


    Can you comment on this that is being looked into or will be fixed soon?

  • Hi dlpmusic, 

    We have it on the list, but is not the highest priority. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    Thanks for the quick response. Kind of a disappointing response as it is.  

    I realise VE PRO 6 has quite a few major problems at the moment but this is quite a major problem for the way I and some others work which will prohibit me from using the 3 copies I upgraded to.  It is worth mentioning that I pointed out a fairly major problem with the decoupled function sending data to Cubase as if it were coupled that never got fixed in VE PRO 5 after waiting for over a I upgraded to VE PRO 6 as that will be the only way it will get fixed moving forward.  

    So please fix this with more "priority".  We all appreciate what a great piece of software you have created for us so don't think I am negative about it quite the contrary.  I just feel when something is broken it should be fixed quickly.  The VE PRO 5  problem I requested to be fixed was just that a fix for something that did not work as described or intended by you.





    @Paul said:

    Hi dlpmusic, 

    We have it on the list, but is not the highest priority. 


  • I switched over to 6 but had to go back due to the A/B switch and preset crashing in Cubase 8.5 as well. My assistant is still on 6 so we know when it gets fixed.  It seems this last update we just did yesterday makes the vst3 presets work to connect to the instances but the A/B switch still does not function the way it did with VEP 5.  I still have to dissconnect manually when I switch to the B side.  

    I use the A/B switch to connect and disconnect. Having an "Empty" preset in the B side of the A/B has been a big work around for keeping my template under 100MB.  it's about 700MB withough the empty and takes to long to open.


    I will continue to work in VEP 5 until this is corrected. VEP6 does seem to be more effecient over all, and the automation has been improved so I do look forward to working with it.

    Another request from me would be to consider having a list view of the instances that I can re-order instead of the left right whole screen thing we have now in 6.  I think one of my machines has about 80 instances in it...


    Also if I could save automation presets and plug in chains for VEP mixer tracks.  This would bne fantastic.  I put simpleton and volumew shaper on a lot of stuff in VEP.  Mnually doing the automation for each track is humiliating..



  • The A/B preset issue has been corrected for the next release.

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    That is fantastic!  Thank you so much for getting this done promptly!


    @MS said:

    The A/B preset issue has been corrected for the next release.