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  • [SOLVED] VE Pro slow load times & crashing

    Hey folks.  A few months ago I built a new slave PC, and since have had some VE instability.  Parts-wise, I ended up with a Intel Core i7-5820k 3.3 GHz 6-core CPU, an ASRock X99 Extreme4 ATX motherboard, with 64 GB G.Skill Ripjaws V RAM, and mostly SSD drives (one 7200 for storage that doesn't involve samples).  In the large version of my templates I'm running two instances of VE on the slave with the load split between the two.  It is a big template, when all's said and done it ends up being about 90% full.

    I'm running into some extremely slow loading times (10 minutes or more) to load my templates, during which the PC will hang for stretches of time with the VE cursor not moving at all.  My template uses primarily Kontakt instances, and it will load one instance, then take a break for a while, then continue.  If I click anywhere in the window, it'll sometimes jump-start the proceedings and the next instance of Kontakt will start loading, but more often than not it'll crash VE (I get a Not Responding error), and I have to start the whole thing over.  

    The second part of the problem happens after it has successfully loaded.  It seems to take an extremely long time (several minutes) to get everything loaded into RAM once my project is open.  During that time I also can't click anywhere in the VE windows without getting the Not Responding crash, so no adjusting routing, MIDI channels, anything like that. Once everything has fully loaded it's pretty much fine, but the initial loading time ends up being over 20 minutes.  

    On the previous slave PC I didn't have any of these problems, so I'm hoping that it's something fixable.  Initially after doing the build I was on Windows 7, I've since upgraded to Windows 10, but apparently no difference in result.  The only slightly unusual thing about the build was that I just pulled my drives out of my old computer and plugged them into the new one, so it's possible that it might have something to do with that.

    So, any ideas?  


  • Hi, Jeff.

    I'm having the same problem.  Were you able find a solution?



  • Hey Paul, I tried a bunch of stuff, what ended up working was to disable Windows Defender on my sample drives.  I think it was trying to virus scan each sample as it was loading.  Give that a try, hopefully it works for you too.

  • jeff 438, Thanks so much for this! I disabled Windows Defender for my sample drive and my load time went from 3:40 to 30 seconds!

    This has bugged me for ages...