Hi Stig
Thanks for an answer. Befor your letter I new how to change a numbers/patches. Just move them Up and Down and I'll have the same articulations set but with a different numers. ----- My question was about how to reorganise by adding a new articulations between existing numbers? Deliting is easy by Clear Matrix and the Sell number is free for a new patch. Lets say I have a set I'm happy with it today from numbers 0 to 100 and after I want to reorganize and add a new patch under staccato 0. It is not posible without deliting the number 1 or I must put it below the set with unused number 101, move it Up to begining of set. If there was a posibility to type the numbes as in Computer, it would save my time. --- I am traying to have the same numbers for a different instruments and when I find a beter combination, lets say, for a Violins, even, if other instruments do not have the same articulations/patches, still having a basic articulations under the same numbers will be more easy and comfortable to work with.