I have once again dived into the wonderful world of DP9, coming from Cubase 8. I use VSL Dim Strings and have spend hours, days, weeks and months trying to create a meaningful setup for this and a lot of other libraries in Cubase 8. The keyswitching system in Cubase is rather elegant but VERY time-consuming to set up and furthermore, in the end I always found my self creating new presets for VSL Dim Strings. I find the Cubase DAW to be very inefficient for the work I do, and some of my american co-workers all use DP9, so here is the question:
The matrix setup in the default VSL Dim String is very complex with the 2 dimension, one controlled by a key and the other by a CC.
And then there a 10 patches all in all!!!
Here is an example: To pick a spiccato patch you first have to create a patch change to prg. 1, then select the 7th column with a F#1 AND set CC 1 to a value above 115.
From watching some of the Thinkspace videos by Guy Michelmore who is very happy about DP, I know that he uses 1 track pr. articulation, but with the number of articulations in this library I think it's impossible. So now I would like to know, does anyone here at vi-control have a better suggestion?
I have been all over the internet searching for videos that demonstrate an efficient work-flow with KS in DP9, but they all focus on how to create the setup, and doesn't dwell on the work-flow.
Do DP users use Step Record or what?
Any help much appreciated!