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  • This is local host, the one machine. My experience with a slave connection was pretty much the same.
    Actually Cubase is configured slightly differently today vs then so if anything it was faster with a slave.

  • Okay, I have no issues with the local server connection time so that indicates a network issue. The difficulty is whether its a hardware or software issue. I have tried so many different things to no avail.

  • Hi, Did you try the ips i wrote before? I think the Problem is that you habe both networks internet ans vepro in The same network. So the master does not know which network Device he should usw. It looks like the master takes the wrong one until he runs in a timeout. Then the master tries the other network Device which is working. Regards Bernd

  • I will try your suggestion, though the internet connection is on another ethernet port on the Mac and using a different range 169.XXX.X.X given by a DHCP server.

  • Hi, Ok looks like there is something wrong in the setup. A is not given by a dhcp Server. It is given by the operating systems itsself when there is no dhcp Server. Does the connection work faster if You Are using just fhe vepro network without the Internet network? Who is your dhcp Server? Regards Bernd

  • Sorry that was a typo, when I checked it was actually in the 192. range, which probably did not help.

    So I tried the 10.X.X.X range for the VEP port, its better but I still think I have problems.

    I tried connecting toone slave direct cable and via switch, 9 instances of Kontakt with min 2 audio, 1 Midi port and it took 1 minute to connect a preloaded metaframe.

    Im just a little stumped as its the sameon both slave PCs and using either the internal network card that came with  the motherboard (both are Intel i7 types) and using a PCIE Intel CT Gigabit card.

    Do I need to add anything to the lmhosts file?

    Does anyone know how to completely reset the PC network and flush out the network cache or whatever as I am a Mac person!

  • Just posting this in case anyone elseruns into similar.

    Have got the loading much better (down to 1min loading 2 slave PCs total of 19 instances).

    What seemed to cure it was playing around with the Network card drivers, I experimented until I found a version that worked. Being a Mac person this is new to me as the Network side usually works without intervention.

  • I've also SOLVED this after years of slow loading times. I thought it was meant to be that way, but since Logic requires one instrument track/instance (no, multiport doesn't work well) I needed 80 instances (divided on 3 slaves + localhost), and that was a pain opening up. I tried these things: - New gigabit switch - Direct connection - Reducing midi- and audioports - Fewer instruments/instance No luck. What finally solved it was this: 1. Use static IPs, not DHCP. 2. Keep master & slave on a separate network, without internet 3. If the master has more than one NIC (wifi, bluetooth, ethernet) disable ALL of them except the one on the slave network. It doesn't matter if it's a separate network, VEP doesn't seem to understand this. After connection is established, you can re-enable the other NICs again. I'm now connecting to 80 instances in 30 seconds, it used to take 10 minutes. DAW Computer is a Mac Pro 2013 with x2 ethernet. Best, Andreas