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  • close project - servers stay connected

    From what I understand, all conections to servers should close when I close a project (manual pg 32: "As soon as you close your song, the preserved instance will be disconnected"). However, they don't. So when I close a project and want to load a new one that uses a different MFrame or VIFs, I have to first force disconnect all (or load an empty dummy project to kill the connections). What am I doing wrong? Or how can I fix this?

  • Hi Wolfstherik, 

    Please send me some screenshots that document the steps. You should see that the instances are disconnected in the VE PRO Server window after you closed a song that was connected to these instances.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Wolfsterik said:

    From what I understand, all conections to servers should close when I close a project (manual pg 32: "As soon as you close your song, the preserved instance will be disconnected"). However, they don't.

    I don't think that you understand what "disconnected" looks like or what it is for. If you want to load a different Metaframe with each project, you should not either not Preserve your instances, which means that the project will dictate what samples are loaded, or you should run uncoupled, and manually do the loading yourself. .


  • DG,

    thanks for chiming in.   I do run uncoupled and load stuff manually. regardless, all VIF should disconnect when closing a project and they are not and this is the problem I try to solve. This I believe is independent of whether I "should" unpreserve or not.

    Please tell me what "disconnected looks like" other and a VIF loaded without the word "(connected...)" after the name and the little plug icon changing.


    I'll send screenshots. But the procedure is simple: open project - connect to some VIF - close project - on my setup all connected VIF remain connected (both localhost and on slaves) - a before and after screen shot would show the exact same picture. When I load a new song, all VIF are first disconnected before the new connections are being made. So that part works. I just can't load stuff in between songs over still connected VIF/MF. Also, maybe related, MIR doesn't unload when closing a project; only when loading the next one.

    Btw, this has been so for quite some time here (more than a year) and is the same with Logic 9 and 10. Could there be a setting I'm overlooking (and please don't tell me it's Preserve...)

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    Running decoupled, you'll see at the bottom of the instance 'engine stopped' when you close the DAW project. Are you actually consistently getting a message that you cannot load another metaframe because you are connected (or do you believe you need to because the metaframe has remained exactly as it was)? That would tend to mean your system is unresponsive rather than a VE Pro issue, I believe.

    But there are things here that make me wonder.

    For example, I change {projects contained in} vi frames while connected with no problem [decoupled].

    @Wolf Wein said:

    When I load a new song, all VIF are first disconnected before the new connections are being made. So that part works. I just can't load stuff in between songs over still connected VIF/MF. Also, maybe related, MIR doesn't unload when closing a project; only when loading the next one.

    This last bit makes me wonder. Why do you think MIR should "unload" because you closed a [DAW?] project? It's decoupled and preserved, it should not do this.

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    @Wolf Wein said:

    When I load a new song, all VIF are first disconnected before the new connections are being made. So that part works. I just can't load stuff in between songs over still connected VIF/MF.
    These seem to be self-contradicting statements. Maybe you could clear this up first.

  • I think what you're seeing is a behavior unique to Logic. It always keeps a project open in the background, even if you close it. I don't know if there is a way to disable this behavior...

  • Martin,

    thanks for your reply. I was afraid that this would be the cause of the problem. sadly, I also don't know of a way to disable this dubious feature.