Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • I would consider Hans as 'Infamous' :D (The master of the generic epic!)

    Joel Goldsmith used VSL, he wasn't exactly unknown! As well as Brian Tyler, John Frizzel, Jay Chattaway .. I know cos I interviewed them all on the VSL Podcast :P

    Most 'famous' poeple use VSL but also in conjunction with many other libraries and usually blended with their own personal sample library recordings. Besides most of the big-wig composers (those that are actually left) are showered with enough money to use a real orchestra so we don't usually hear of them using the sampled kind.

  • :D Nice to know that great composers like Danny Elfman, Alan Silvestri use VSL

  • Actually, I'm wondering why VSL doesn't have a "testimonials"-section on their website. A testimonial by a couple of these big names might actually help doubting prospects to justify a purchase from VSL. That's how marketing works.

  • @Hetoreyn, just discovered your podcasts. NICE!

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    @Carsten Altena said:

    Actually, I'm wondering why VSL doesn't have a "testimonials"-section on their website. A testimonial by a couple of these big names might actually help doubting prospects to justify a purchase from VSL. That's how marketing works.

    You could be right, Carsten, and we might see these pages change in the near future. OTOH: In my (VERY personal, not official) opinion, I always tend to suspect companies who are eager to emphasize the "fame" of their customers to offer products that don't "speak for themselves" strongly enough. 😉

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Good point! The demo's do speak for themselves. I actually feel the same way but as an experienced webdesigner (my other company) I know that testimonials can have a really big impact! You don't need to flood the pages with testimonials (check out for instance Project Sam's website), just a handful on a couple of pages should do the trick.

  •  So, does Britney Spears use VSL?

    I want to know.  She is famous! 

    Hey, what about Pink? 

  • Maybe their producers.

    Of course it doesn't REALLY matter who uses the software. It's the music that counts (and the paycheck after you finished the project).

    I just found it interesting to see every other sample library producer other than VSL flaunt with testimonials by "celebrities". Many people are sensitive for those things and it could help them decide which library they want to spend their hard earned pennies on. That's all ;)

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    @Dietz said:

     BTW - the band Muse used to give VSL credit on their records, too. :-) 

    That's only because I told them to use it.

  • /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • My worst nightmare came true. Neither Hans nor Trevor use this library. I suppose it isn't as mouse friendly as the multitude of ork products out there.

    Seriously, I appreciated at least Elfman's notion that film-music is becoming more and more generic and less and less individualistic, even though his Alice cue didn't exactly have the usual Elfman-signature on it.

    Thanks VSL for these videos. If you are planning more, I would very much enjoy you giving us a questionnaire as to what else could be asked, and then you could decide which of the forum members' questions will be asked.

  • I watched these and anyone really wanting to get a good insight I would recommend, if you're only going to watch one, to take in the Dave Newman one. He's a good musician having played violin on films scores before he started writing for films and he spoke the most realistically and coherently regarding the use of samples which presumably is what VSL wanted highlighted.

  •  I didn't watch these because I am not famous.  And I won't because I will never be famous.  I am the scum of the earth and have accepted it.  But there are rewards for being scum.  And I have experienced them.  My body is a road map of pain.  And yet, pain has its rewards. 

  • I just took two oxycodone. Love brittany and pink

    Why doesnt vsl interview those that have proven themselves and contributors to this product like william, guy, paulR, DG, ericos, phillip, and others. I would absorb it with as much interest as newman and elfman? 

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    @Dar32 said:

    I just took two oxycodone. Love brittany and pink

    Why doesnt vsl interview those that have proven themselves and contributors to this product like william, guy, paulR, DG, ericos, phillip, and others. I would absorb it with as much interest as newman and elfman? 

    There are two sides to this. Whislt a current user might be interested in seeing the way I work with VSL products (or not...!), I doubt that it would garner any more sales for VSL. However, there are enough people out there who would make a purchase, based on the fact that one of their idols uses the same product, that it makes sense to provide these sort of videos.

    Having said that, I don't think it's a bad idea to ask some of the demo makers if they would like to do some tutorial videos. Obviously people like Herb have a greater knowledge of the software, but sometimes it is useful to get a real world, and real-time example from others in the profession.


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    @DG said:

    There are two sides to this. Whislt a current user might be interested in seeing the way I work with VSL products (or not...!), I doubt that it would garner any more sales for VSL. However, there are enough people out there who would make a purchase, based on the fact that one of their idols uses the same product, that it makes sense to provide these sort of videos.

    Having said that, I don't think it's a bad idea to ask some of the demo makers if they would like to do some tutorial videos. Obviously people like Herb have a greater knowledge of the software, but sometimes it is useful to get a real world, and real-time example from others in the profession.


    Yeah - if I made a video on how I use VSL or any other library - the way I do it would actually put people off. That and the swearing at the same time. Sales would drop to an all time low.

    I hardly ever use more than 20 tracks in Logic Pro (and that's an epic track for me); have no real idea about how to edit; hardly ever use different articulations because I can't be bothered; the last track I did for the library was 3 tracks - a Hammond, a fretless bass and drums and I just played it all in 2 or 3 takes apart from the drum loops. Thats a really quick video.

    So Daryl , Guy, Billy and the other sort of chaps that like doing classical should be the ones that do a video. 

    I can do a video on Olympic Gold Medal standard bad language and how to use it to impress your mother-in-law if you like?

  • Nice vids! ;)

  • Actually, I would love to see interviews with people like Guy and William as well, on how they use VSL. 

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    @Carsten Altena said:

    Actually, I would love to see interviews with people like Guy and William as well, on how they use VSL. 

    Really? I would really like to know where Dave Newman got his desk? And how the kepyboard is held? Is it wobbly when you play it or is it a sturdy mechanism? Does it slide back under the desk when not required? Are these desks custom made? Stuff like that.

    If there's one thing I hate more than anything, it's when the keyboard moves, even just a millimetre when you play it.