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  • PLAY issue (what a surprise.)

    Recently incorporated a new mac pro intot he studio and here we go with a new PLAY issue. Has anyone experienced this...

    While hosting PLAY in VEpro on a slave machine, the PLAY graphic interface becomes unresponsive. Everything still works withinVEpro, just PLAY won't respond to mouseclicks on any button. If the patch is already loaded, it still sounds when triggered from the master but nothing can be edited, deleted, loaded etc. PLAY is loaded in other instances of the same slave machine and may work fine. 

    Quitting VEpro and relaunching, reloaded sometimes helps but I can't find out why or when this problem starts. 


    EWQLSO PLat plus library on a mac mini slave. VEpro 5.1 Logic 9.1.8, PLAY 3.0.40

  • Not seeing that here on my slave PC.

  • Yes, I am using a macmini slave. Haven't had this problem before and very difficult to replicate. Can only seem to solve by relaunching everything. 

    I'm curious if anyone elese has seen this issue. Today it's not happening at all. 

  • Yes, I'm having a similar issue, only in mine Play is freezing up completely.  I have a thread started here:

    I've found several threads both here and in the Sounds Online forums dealing with similar issues, but I can't seem to find any resolution.  I've got an email in to East West.  If they're able to help at all I'll let you know.  In the meantime, hopefully someone here will have some ideas.


  • I get the same issue with my EWQL SC play 3.040 hosted by VEpro 5 in mac mini server. The problem strats when I try to edit utility layers (Synp. Choir has 6 instances per voice to manage syllabes and vowels etc.) or I open the options of the Play audio engine.

    When I just use browser and word builder it works fine, and yes if I close and reload the problem is fixed, but still I can't access from inside VEpro5 the different layers of player or the preferences of audio engine... such an annoying issue. I hope it will be fixed (and I suspect if somebody ever will do they will be VSL guys...)

    P.S. about your sarcastic "surprise" it's so sad to agree... I just dream of VSL implementing word builder to get rid of play... the only reason that keep me working with the unfriendly guys of EWQL product is word builder... all the experience I had with their customer service are really the worst ever in years and years of computer debugging :)

    The experience with VSL software has been always amazing, and their customer service is pretty friendly/effective (maybe a bit cold LOL compared to the British or American style of little companies, but well that's central europe! quick, and effective.)

  • I work part time for EW as their online coordinator and in my experience they are friendly when approached in a friendly manner .

    Anyway, when you are having trouble getting answers, you can always email me:

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    @Ashermusic said:

    I work part time for EW as their online coordinator and in my experience they are friendly when approached in a friendly manner .

    Anyway, when you are having trouble getting answers, you can always email me:

    Thanks for your offer, appreciated. Even if it's a bit off topic, I will be more specific, because I understand the word "unfriendly" is unclear.

    They obviously were never rude. They simply refused fixing or helping with pretty standardized answers like:

    "we never heard about" "we can't replicate the problem on our systems" "may you give us some more details".

    The funny thing is that the subject of the discussion was in several post of the forum for years, and I sent pages of technical details (I've been a software developer myself, i know how to comment software bugs and how to run troubleshooting) then it was eveident they were just sending "premade standard answers" to take time and symulating interest.

    The final funny thing about the bug of the Word Builder is that I got with a kind of "class action" with other community users a final answer "we recognize the bug, but we can't fix now because Play 3 and Holliwood Strings are priority, we will fix as soon as the 2 projects are over".

    Nothing happens in all the several following updates...

    I read few minuts ago that other users with the same issue are getting now the answer "we know but we are busy working on Play 4 and we will fix it when Play 4 will be ready"... sorry but sounds a bit foolish.

    The more unfair thing is that several post informing users about the bug of EWQL SC WB were symply censored and users even banned from forum, so EW keep selling SC with a low transparency about the fact it has serious bugs they will never fix due to commercial focus on other products.

    It would be more honest to sell the product under disclaimer of the existing limits, in my very humble opinion.

     all the best


  • That is your analysis of it but it is not mine. However, I am here as a VE Pro user, not an EW rep, so if yuou want to continue, you can email me.

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    @Ashermusic said:

    I work part time for EW as their online coordinator and in my experience they are friendly when approached in a friendly manner .

    I had several problems with EastWest products and experienced such denial and confrontation with them that I now avoid using their products altogether. Not a very elegant solution, but very effective.....

  • Running VEP 5 on MAC Book Pro with server pro on iMAC. Constantly running an instance with 12-14 EWQL Play addition plugins, (Symphonic Orchestra Platinum, Gypsy, Voices of Passion, Goliath and Symphonic Choir), with no problems what-so-ever. Been stable for a year now. RJ

  • That's the frustrating nature of this problem. I had it last week, but not this week. I have a master macpro running VEpro driving a slave macpro and a slave macmini. The problem occurred on the slaves only. There were no differences in software versions. One mac pro was running snow leopard and the mac mini was running lion.

    The only thing that the 2 slave computers had in common that the master didn't was that they had both gone to sleep and were awakened for usage. I have no idea why or how this could create this kind of problem but as a rule now I only put the displays to sleep when not in use. 

  • Thanks to some post suggestions I find out the following:

    - I have the problem on my MAC Mini Server OSX 10.7.5, but my Win7 i7 64bit Workstation has not. They are both running same up-to-date VEpro5 and Play3. Maybe it's related to MACOS...

    - yes the first run doesn't give any problem: the problem starts after i switch the monitor with my Belkin USB/VGA switch I use to control 2 PC with just one keyboard/mouse/monitor. Maybe it's related to video sleep...

    what is keeping the mistery, is that several windows keep working, and only some of the editing windows get frozen. Usually video related bugs impact the whole GUI... but we will never stop learning something new... :P