Firstly I have to say that I absolutely love these samples, but there is just one thing that is presently holding me back from using them in my professional recordings. F5 is already very slightly flat to my ears (which wouldn't exactly be too much of a problem) but unfortunately as soon as I depress the sustaining pedal it drops still further making it almost a quarter-tone flat. It's obviously very noticeable in all my recordings that something is up here (since the drastic variation in dry/wet F5 suddenly removes the illusion of there being a real piano!!). I've done a web search but no-one else seems to have mentioned this glaring fault. Is there anyone else out there who has this problem or is it just me for some reason? I'm pretty desperate to find a way around this problem since I can't use the samples professionally until this annoying little problem is solved. Is there a way that I can re-tune these particular samples? Or, at the very least, is there any other clever workaround that might help me cover this problem? (the only thing I've thought of so far is recording my pieces, removing all the F5 notes by hand from my performance, then make another track, raise the pitch of the whole sample set and record just the F5 notes, then 'blend' the two tracks - it's possible to get around it this way but obviously it's incredibly tedious!!).
Many thanks in advance.