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  • I must use the Force and finish...someday ;-)

    Hi Everyone,

    I tried to reprogram the Star Wars Suite, but i couldn't find the time to finish it these past few month, so here are pretty much 3'40 of this masterpiece here :

    Please if you have some suggestions or corrections let me know so I can improve it.

    Thanks very much

    Best regards,


  •  Well, you picked a huge piece to do, there are so many parts in this piece, so I can fully appreciate progress is always going to take time. The only thing that might be worth having a look at is trying to get more depth to the sound, so that it sounds like a big orchestra in a big place. Perhaps the percussion needs to sound like they are back further away (more reverb - less direct signal), and the same slightly with the brass, but of course if you were trying recreate a studio sound, then that you have achieved.

  • Hi Andyjh

    Thanks for the answer.

    I was indeed trying to reach a more dry studio sound with a high percu level but i agree the brass section would have a benefit by increasing the dpeth.

    Very difficult to obtain but i guess I Have to test more and more IR of altiverb ;-).

    Thanks again for your comment.



  •  Greetings Nicolas!

    You must be a rabid Star Wars fan to undertake such a project!

    I know I'm going to be following this thread for a long time so I won't ask everything upfront.

    However, THIS might be the first step in helping you in your quest to get the right sound!

    More later......

  •  Oh yeah, in case you didn't have one of these already:


  • Wow thanks very much, looking forward to read it ;o)

    Thanks again

  •  Stupid question here-you ARE using a VSL package of one sort or the other,right?

    What are you using for your tracking program, ie your virtual studio? Cakewalk, Presonus,Ableton, Cubase...something?

  • Hi;

    Not stupid at all ;o)

    I use Brass I and Special edition mostly.

    And for the tracking programn, i'use Cubase studio 5



  • Ok, first up, there is WAY too much reverb.

    When it comes to reverb, less is more and MORE is just *too much*.

    If the basic structure of what you are doing is not intact enough to stand on it's own, excess reverb will only make it worse!

    Excess reverb also tips people off to the fact that you may be trying to hide something, which , 9 out of 10 times is usually the case.

    You appear to have a good set of ears, but I can pick out some stuff that may be missing. I say "may" because I don't know everything and I don't want to imply that I *do*. :)

    Get your pan positions for your instruments squared away before you even *think* about reverb. If you have good separation and clarity for your sections in "dry" mode, then they will sound sweet when reverb is applied.

    More later! Keep at it Nick!

  •  Hey Nic,

    Here's an example of what we've been discussing previously:

    Everything has been panned in its proper position and GLOBAL reverb applied, not different 'verbs for different sections.

    This is pretty simple but hopefully effective in showing that sometimes you don't need a TON of instruments sounding off.

    BTW, the sample goes with THIS scene in RETURN OF THE JEDI ( starts at 1:25 in )

    Keep at your work and lets talk some more- I could use some help too!

  • Hey Skyy,

    This pretty epic and clean but there is a little "synthetic" side (of the force? ;)) which bothers me a lot, this sounds too artificial for me

    But I will try several reverbs and trying not to combining too much of ddiferents IR.

    Let's keep it tuned ;o)

    C Ya


  •  I'm just doing the best I can with what I've got, in this case, A Casio WK1350 from about 12 years ago.

    I am looking forward to taking delivery of the NEW Casio WK 7500 which just came out. Hoping it sounds as good as they claim it does!

    Yeah, there's a bit of a "synth edge" to it, but at least it didn't come out sounding like Kraftwerk did it! lol

  • PaulP Paul moved this topic from Orchestration & Composition on