I'm running VE Pro on two computers. One is Windows 7 (laptop) and another is Win XP SP3. When I run VE Pro in standalone mode it works just great on Win 7. When I connect two machines according to manual – via 1 gigabyte network where 32 bit server is on Win 7 and host is on Win XP Cubase 5 it works in any configuration but for no more than 5 minutes and then Win 7 disconnects itself from network, Cubase stays connected for several more seconds and if I didn't close the network connection it would crash.
Both machines have Static IP on router – or gigabyte switcher – I tried both. Wireless card is disabled on Win 7 (laptop). What can be the problem? Peter
Vienna Ensemble Pro stays connected just for 4-5 minutes on two computers
Are you using a CAT6 cable? What happens when you simply connect the two machines via that cable?
well if it works with just a cable, I look at the switch as a suspect... unless you're sure about the switch.
I don't know about any of that windows network lingo but I know someone who might and will ask in the meantime. I'm on a Mac and was completely clueless; I found most of what I found online hard to sort... fortunately it was pretty straightforward, getting a reliable fixed IP network.
Yes, I tried in any combination. It’s on router now. I think I found the problem: Computers were on two different networks (like Workgroup and something else) and when I put them on one network together they started working, finally. I was able to keep a simple set running for 20 minutes. Then it stated getting interesting. For example FM8 and Reaktor works fine non-stop on server side with Cubase running as host. As soon as put Rapture on (server side) the set stopped working. Fun. Is there any known incompatible VSTis? But, in general it’s got better. Thank you, gu