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  • VSL Podcast Show 53 - Back in Action

    Hi everyone. Well it's been a while I know .. but I have finally got a new show out which can be downloaded from the usually location ( on the VSL Podcast page), or from iTunes. It seems that the iTunes link hadn't worked in a while but I've fixed it now. I've tried to make up for all the time I've had away from the show by putting in a tonne of music from composers Alex Gibson, Charles Green, Jef de Corte, Chris Kazmier, and myself.

    Can only say sorry for the long delay .. hopefully I'll be able to get back on schedule with the show. Hope you enjoy.


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    Thank you very much Heto.

    I am so glad this interesting podcast is back.

    Thank you also for featuring Relics VIII.

    I posted it on my myspace blog and also in the blog on my website.

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    @hetoreyn said:

    Can only say sorry for the long delay .. hopefully I'll be able to get back on schedule with the show. Hope you enjoy.



    No need to apologize Hetoreyn.  In fact, I would like to thank you for broadcasting the 53 of these very informative and interesting shows free of charge.  I do believe that's 53 more shows than I or anybody else on the forum has produced so you don't have to apologize for anything.

  • Hetoreyn, fiirefox crashed twice when i was listening to your podcast. I assume it was your website responsible as firefox told me this was due to a web page and i didn't get any crash with any other web page. Maybe it was a combination of both your webpage and quicktime i don't know...

    BTW, is Hetoreyn a real name? I've nevber heard that before.

    Anyway, thank for your podcast.

  • Well I can't say for absolute definite .. but I'm pretty sure my website had nothing to do with the crash. There's nothing I have on there that could do that. I have tested downloading and streaming the podcast from my site and it works okay for me .. I used Safari to do that. However it may be possible that a lot of people are also downloading the file at the same time .. this has happened before. If too many people try to download stuff from my server at one time it can overload it.

    All I can say is try to download it first. Sorry if this problem persists. This is one reason that I try to move all the Archives to the VSL server .. as this takes the strain off my server.

    Hetoreyn is one of my names :P I have many.

  • Heya heto ^.^

    Good to see you are back with podcast. Its been a long i didn't see you.

    Hope you will have more time for keep going with it ^.^


  • Hetoreyn, we were getting getting worried that you might have left us! Thanks for adding the BLED scores to the cast, I'm glad that you could use them. Great avenue for people to get there music out for others to hear and to find out some news and tips.
