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  • There used to be a problem with too many VE instances, but I thought that this was fixed ages ago. Maybe you could give some of your system specs and the build number that you are using so that others can test this out for you.

    As a matter of interest, why do you need so many VE? I can't imagine why I would need more than 6. Maybe there is something in your way of working that could be improved.


  • Not sure if this is relavent but, there was a topic a while back to do with GUI handles, and if you load up 59 instruments you start to get bugs in the GUI.

    Which version of VE are you on?


  • I work with : Windows XP professionnal x64 Intel Xeon CPU E5420 2,50 GHz, 16Go de RAM I need a lot of tracks because for each instrument, I don't use only one track ! With woodwinds ( 2 vienna ensemble ) and strings ( one vienna ensemble ), I use 2 tracks for each instrument. One track for legato and an other for different articulations. With Brass ( 3 vienna ensemble ), I use 4 tracks for each instrument, one for legato, another for different articulations, another for speed performence, and a last one for dynamics. With percussion ( 2 vienna ensemble ).

  •  Do you keep the VE GUi open, or do you close it?


  • Sorry, I don't realy understand your question :(

  •  I'm not sure I can be much clearer, but I'll try. [;)]

    Do you minimize the window of VIE when you are working, or do you close it by clicking the cross at the top right of the window?


  • Oh, sorry, my 8 different vienna ensemble are minimized on the bottom of the screen, under cubase. They are not closed.

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    @Titi said:

    Oh, sorry, my 8 different vienna ensemble are minimized on the bottom of the screen, under cubase. They are not closed.

    Close them, and see if that makes a difference.


  • OK, I'll try this tomorrow morning. It's almost midnight in France :) Thank you for your help, I tell you tomorrow if it's the solution. David.

  • No difference when I close the vienna ensemble windows. The solution is to many vienna ensemble ! With 8 VE I have bugs, and with 7 VE it's all right :) David.

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    @Titi said:

    No difference when I close the vienna ensemble windows. The solution is to many vienna ensemble ! With 8 VE I have bugs, and with 7 VE it's all right 😊 David.

    OK, so let's see if we can find a way to slim your template, whilst losing nothing.

    You say you have separate tracks for legato/staccato and a few other things. Is this separate MIDI tracks as well as separate VI Instruments?


  • Last message for me on this question. I have found the solution : 7 Vienna ensemble, 100 VSL tracks ( most of the time 2 tracks for each instrument with a few or a lot of articulations, X-fade or not X-fade ). Thanks for reading and hellping me. David.

  • I'm glad that you found a solution. I often have two instruments in VE fed by 1 MIDI track. This helps to keep the number of instances down, as you can have as  many Instruments as you like (sort of) in an instance of VE; it's the number of MIDI tracks that is limited to 16.